Discover the contemporary work of C O N D E

Franss CONDE hinojosa
Painter and writer
Graduated in Arts 1996 Central University of Ecuador
Coordinator of the engraving workshop "L'ŒIL" 1996-1998
Travels in Europe 1998 (Germany, Spain, France)
Columnist for the magazine ENCUENTROS Bilbao, Spain 2007-2010
Publishes the book of poetry “EVERYTHING RETURNS TO THE WIND”
He moved to Paris in 2013
Artistic advisor to the Latin American Chamber of Commerce (Paris)
Coordinator of the “quito group” (present) Director and coordinator of the engraving workshop “L'ŒIL” (Quito)
Exhibitions, Ecuador, Germany, Spain and France.
His work is part of private collections and institutions. His paintings are placed and sold at Galerie Sonia Monti (Paris), Galerie Julio Gonzalez (Arcueil' France), Galeria "EL OJO" (Quito), Galerie De arte contenpotain (Paris), ArtEthic (Paris)
Exhibitions (selection)
-British Council of Quito 1997
-The University Village Heidelbert, Germany 1998
-Galeria Pincel Pamplona, Spain 2008
-« EL Horno » Ciudadela, Pamplona, Spain 2010
-Latin American Chamber of Commerce 2014, Paris.
-Le bistrot des Artistes, 2014
-Ecuadorian Embassy 2014, Paris
-Latin American Chamber of Commerce 2016 Paris;
-Ecuadorian Embassy 2016, Paris.
Saint Denis University 2017, Paris
-Cultural space "LE 17" Conflans Saint Honorine2015
-Bistro art, Rio del Vin
-Salon d'interieur et autres 2016 et 2018
-NeSLE Gallery international exhibition of Latin American embassies. Paris
-CHUB collection for HATE LA HAINE. Limited edition 2020. 24 NFTs created by KOUNDE H. and CONDE H. to celebrate the spirit of COUSIN HUB.
- Sonia Monti Gallery, Paris 2018. 2019
- ARTHETIC Gallery, Paris 2022
- Exhibition of drawings « DISMEMBERMENTS » gallery « EL OJO » (Quito-Ecuador, 2021)
(2023 Paris)
- Julio Gonzalez Gallery
(Arcueil, France) 2024
-Member of the workshop in Les Lilas for typography and printmaking. Paris.
-Artists' walk
As part of the European Heritage Days (Lagny-Torigny -France) 2024
My work is a description of my relationship with people and their circumstances