Deedee de Mille
Deedee de Mille
peintre et sculptrice

About me


"Born to Lille, DeeDee DeMille is a jack-of-all-trades artist, now from Le Havre. Performer, musician (bassist in the groups Ashtones and Asphalt Tuaregs), painter, dancer (she notably worked with Decouflé) and yoga teacher, DeeDee DeMille has more than one rope to play. his arc, even if the common thread of his career is evolving in a resolutely rock environment.

Being a graphic designer and painter runs in the family, she says, So it was quite natural that she borrowed from her career. the path of applied arts studies.

At Sonic, she will exhibit around fifteen paintings, mostly large formats (even very large), influenced by a pop-surrealist style. We see many women and a vast religious and political iconography. DeeDee DeMille has in the past exhibition his works New York as well as in Belgium and France. For this first major exhibition in Le Havre, the artist has several surprises in store for the public, including a photo studio inside the Sonic to photograph the most curious."

Article PARIS-NORMANDY from 07/06/17

Artistic approach

Influenced by popular atistic movements and surrealism, passionate about mythology, legends, occultism, philosophy, symbolist poetry, human sciences and counterculture,  she paints and draws dreamlike and symbolist universes. She also creates statuettes of mythological inspiration. All these works speak directly to the unconscious and the imagination. They nevertheless claim a humanist background close to Nature. From this ecological perspective, the   Deedee's modelings are carried out in detail. from a paste of its own making à based on compressed paper and plastic waste, non-energy consuming. She also writes poetry and prose, and her drafts also end up in modeling pastes. The volume creations are therefore small works of verse and ideas blended into phantasmagorical and colorful creatures.