
Born in 1969 in Grenoble into a family with an artistic streak, I live and work in Provence.

Self-taught, I have been painting since my childhood.

During my studies in business law and foreign languages, I am writing a thesis (L.E.A. master's degree, in German) on the "German expressionists".

I am doing internships in visual arts in the United States at the University of Las Vegas, Nevada, and in Grenoble with the painter Max Laigneau.

Alongside a career as a corporate lawyer for 10 years, I continue to paint.

In 2005, I made the decision to devote myself exclusively to painting, attending different workshops in Provence (painters Martine Hernandez, Françoise Balandras) then settling into my own. Moving my workshop from Coudoux in Provence to Villegouge in Gironde (summer 2012).

Participation in internships:
- watercolor on the pattern,
- live model,
- modeling with a live model,
- Japanese calligraphy (with Chiho Yoneda),
- Arabic calligraphy (with Abderrazak Hamouda),
- gilding (gold leaf work).

In the last quarter of the 2013-2014 school year, courses for adults for 12 weeks at the Ecole nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris: painting on a live model (Fabienne Oudart).

I participate, in France and internationally, in numerous awards, painting fairs, competitions, which has allowed me to obtain several distinctions. I also exhibit in galleries and personally in different places in France, notably in Paris, and abroad and have been the subject of publications in art magazines and in the press.

Professional painter.
House of Artists: M922409
Siret number: 518 825 724 00017
APE code: 9003A
Member of the A.D.A.G.P. society. : member no. 1064964. A.D.A.G.P. image bank

Member of the Maison des Artistes Association.
Member 2012 and 2013 of the Association of Independent Artists.

Private collections: Paris/IDF - Eyguières - Pays d'Aix - Marseille - Manosque - Montpellier - Toulouse - Annecy - Lyon - Grenoble