Artiste Peintre

Symbolism and work

" FÉMINA GLORIA MUNDI " - Dry pastel



Dry pastel on support 61.2x42.2cm  Corn-colored matte pastel laminated on 2mm carfix.


The title of the work emerged by surprise, without any research or reflection. In its entirety it is a tribute to Women in its content and an anthem in its musicality.


At the bottom of the composition we can see the planet, the mother of us all, but also the nurturing mother through an evocation of a female breast. We also see crevices which symbolize violence against women.

We also see 2 trees taking root there, a symbol of resistance and renewal but also of the gift of life.

Why Ginkgo?

It was while looking at Ginkgo leaves that I have kept for a long time while waiting for a work that would be inspired by them, that this choice was imposed on me at the very beginning of this creation for all the reasons which follow.



The Ginkgo is an ancient tree that has always existed on the planet. He braves time and disasters and comes back to life on arid, burned lands. From the beginning of this work it was naturally established in the composition as a call, a necessity, an obvious fact, without me consciously knowing the reasons, a parallel with the deep nature of woman: her quiet strength, her endurance, his combativeness.

It also brings hope, like the woman who gives life.

The Woman/tree-strength, Woman/leaf-fragility is a double-reading metaphor for the Woman who draws her energy both from her own nature but also from that of the planet whose balance we must preserve, weakened over time. The 3 trees united symbolize the victory of women over their condition and their accession to their rightful place in society.

The sky and the horizon are clear, a sign of calm and serenity.