Ce triptyque est composé sur des fondus dégradés en déclinaison de noirs, blancs, gris chauds et froids, bleus profonds et touches d’or ou d’argent, et complété par un travail léger en matière mettant en évidence le minéral avec ses accidents et ses fissures. En incrustation dans le fond, des caractères énigmatiques créés spécifiquement pour ce triptyque et donc un langage inconnu, un message, une transmission, impossible à décrypter. Cette symbolique du vivant autre que celui que nous connaissons est-elle celle d’un passé, d’un futur ou d’un présent invisible ? Les larges volutes représentent les résonances ondulatoires produites par ce langage et symbolisent les échos de l’espace. Le nombre 3 symbolise la superposition des possibles, des mondes, et les espaces entre les toiles les passages des uns aux autres, et les fractures temporelles. L'REV
About the artist
Born in Paris, L’ REV follows scientific studies. In 2003 the veil was lifted, painting was its evidence. Its vibrations, its deep echo become the architects of its time. In August 2005 it established itself in Morbihan, thus finding atmospheres conducive to its development. creation, particularly in Belle isle en Mer. Her work is based on the emergence of emotions and the sensitive memory she keeps of her perception of elements, atmospheres, beings and nature. spiritual dimension of the universe. In his paintings slips, beyond of immediate appearance, a hidden, symbolic value where mingle, jostle, oppose and finally merge Oneirism and Surrealism.
L’REV is a unique, uncompromising universe that stands out for its originality. He instantly perceives the lights, the colorism, the transparencies, the movement then the multiple readings and the subtle alliance between poetry of expression, harmony of composition, and mastery of his favorite mediums (oil, dry pastel). The meaning of the founding phrase of his artistic approach:
" Light shines from within,
The soul is the memory,
Emotions are the colors,
Our hands, the performers." L'REV
immediately takes on its full dimension:
REV paints the language of the impossible, the improbable, the transcendent unreal. She surprises, challenges, provokes with her works, strong and free from all influences, “ "across the spectrum of modes and facilities." REV paints the origin...
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