Discover the contemporary work of JVincent

Originally from Cannes, France, and now based in Monaco, my early passion for biodiversity led me to pursue in-depth studies in Marine Biology and Ecology at the University of Nice. This academic journey led me to collaborate with the ECOSEAS laboratories in Nice and CRIOBE in Perpignan, directing my specialization towards Mediterranean coastal ecosystems.
The acquisition of my first underwater camera triggered a meticulous exploration, centimeter by centimeter, of the shores that I particularly like. From the Estérel to Monaco, via Cap d'Antibes and the Lérins Islands, I capture the coastal biodiversity of the Alpes-Maritimes through the dual perspective of a naturalist and an artist. Aware of the impacts of human activities on my beloved coastline, I challenge consciences by embodying my concerns for the potential upheaval of global ecosystems through emblematic, common and sometimes rare organisms. I explore the possibilities of photography, wherever my imagination leads me, without limits.
My sources of inspiration are rooted in multiple, and very different, artists and scientists, photographers, visual artists, painters or filmmakers: Ernst Haeckel, Jean Painlevé, Miquel Barceló, Hervé Di Rosa, Folon, Magritte, Joakim Möller, Man Ray, Garcin, Yves Klein and so many others...
In a world where wildlife photography often tends to capture nature in all its reality, I have chosen to take a different path, resolutely turned towards the imaginary and symbolism. My creations are part of an approach of going beyond classical naturalism to move towards post-naturalist, even supernaturalist works. Through this approach, I seek to offer a new vision of marine worlds. Until Nowadays, many artists have addressed ecological issues, but I believe that the fundamental aspects of the environment have not yet been sufficiently explored. This trend is also evident among wildlife photographers, who sometimes struggle to transcend an aesthetic and anthropomorphized vision of Nature. My work is to go beyond traditional aesthetics to address essential environmental issues in a deeper and more comprehensive way, thus merging artistic creativity with a deep scientific understanding.