Discover the contemporary work of Matthias Ebinger

Born in November 1957 in Heidelberg. Grew up on the Dilsberg and in Neckargemünd.
First decisive contact with art, culture and literature between the ages of 14 and 19 through family contact with the painter and philosopher Herbert Fisel.
First "notable" works at the age of 26; Pencil and charcoal drawings, watercolors, linocuts, then a long break (due to family and self-employment). Since 2006 I have been working with acrylic and mixed media, and from 2010 I added representational oil painting.
In 2008 I joined forces with eight artist friends to form the "Nove Group". We exhibited our works together in "our" producer gallery and ran it together until the end of 2009.
From mid-2009 to mid-2012 my paintings were characterized by an almost monochrome style - the reduction in the choice of colors does not distract - but directs the eye directly to the depiction. These images trigger associations and trigger your own thoughts.
Since mid-2012, a new form of representation, "the flakes" (narrative figuration), has been taking over.
These are often reduced to the essentials, making you think of computer animations at first and then letting the viewer sink deeper into the images. Portraits and very personal situations are captured on canvas here, which are often in "dissolution". POP art is now gaining ground......
Many of my works represent my impression of either the current world situation, but also my personal relationships.
The artistic work of Matthias Ebinger
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