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Paris / France
Artiste Photographer

Jonathan Merzougui, the founder of Rétines, the photo agency specializing in corporate photography, is a key player in this field. in transforming the way companies present their people and culture. With a forward-thinking vision and commitment to quality and authenticity, Jonathan has established Retines as a benchmark in the field of corporate photography. Paris.

Under the leadership of Jonathan, Retines has dedicated itself to capturing the spirit of business at a glance through images that speak not only of professionalism, but also of individuality. and the dynamics of each team. His deep understanding of the challenges of modern employer brands allows him to develop his skills. The agency aims to provide not only portraits, but real strategic communication tools that help HR departments to improve their performance. attract and retain talent.

Jonathan makes a point of honor work closely with each client to ensure photographs accurately reflect the company's values and vibe. This personalized approach is particularly appreciated in a fast-paced market. where authenticity is increasingly valued by candidates and current employees. Thanks to its expertise and his passion for photography, Jonathan Merzougui has made Retines an essential partner for any company wishing to strengthen its employer brand image across the world. through powerful and meaningful visuals.

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