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Antonio Ceron
Artiste Painter
Antonio Ceron

I am currently 65 years old, my history as an artist is very recent, but it comes from my time as a student. I always stood out in the schools I went to for my drawings and paintings, so when I was a little older I enrolled in the school of applied arts in Madrid, I studied drawing and painting, I did not finish, because due to work circumstances, I had to abandon it, but for that reason, I studied photography and in those years I dedicated myself more to this discipline, economically it was more profitable. As I said before, because of my age, I retired early and have taken up painting again, I still have not opted for any personal style, but I am doing things like commissions from friends, and some work for the City Council where I live. I am collecting some paintings, so that I can exhibit them here where I live, since they have a perfect room, and they don't charge residents.

Artistic approach

At the moment, I don't have a style, but I'm making a collection of tributes to Dali, making some copies of his paintings, without reaching his quality of course. I'm currently painting on canvas with acrylics, and I hope to soon be able to use oil and collect enough works to exhibit. I like surrealism, with a bit of impressionism. I'm creating a series of works for a permanent exhibition in a restaurant in the area where I live.

Once this collection is finished, I'm preparing an exhibition that will be called Blue/White, it's acrylics on canvas, small in size like A4.

Dates clés
Madrid School of Applied Arts

The artistic work of Antonio Ceron

Newly added works

My paintings

Tribute to Dali


Blue/White Collection