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AGR art.argia
Madrid / Spain
Artiste Painter
AGR art.argia

Art_ArGiA arises from the imperious inner need to empty the cup, vomit emotions, emancipate oneself from everything learned, social, cultural, even experiential of the author using color, textures, and the flow of the line.

Shortly entering his 4th decade, having dived and nurtured in the vast seas of music and poetry, he resumes his relationship with colors with the enthusiasm of a child that plays within with their emotions, materializing springboards for the curious who, brave at heart, want to jump into that emptiness that breaks and completes us all, creating bridges, threads of unity based on what they experience.

Pictorial abstraction in acrylic with the sole purpose of capturing an emotion and working on it at the same time that the canvas is built and closing the circle, serving as a mirror of the author, as a work of self-knowledge and serving as a container for the viewer, into which to throw themselves with the curiosity and courage of a prepubescent, a viewpoint in the middle of the city.

Free creations to avoid the figurative 

Chromatic potions where everyone can supply what they need.

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