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François-Vassil ANDREEFF
Chatou / France
Artiste Painter
François-Vassil ANDREEFF

François-Vassil ANDREEFF


Painter - Doctor of Science, expert in Intellectual Property at the European Patent Office (The Hague / Munich / Vienna) - Recent exhibitions: Galerie Thuillier (75003 Paris) Gallery \"Artexpo\" in New York City (USA) Gallery \"Amagasaki\" in Okinawa and Nikko (Japan). Galerie Art et Peinture, 36200 St-Marcel permanently since 1999. \"Artistes d’Aujourd’hui\" and \"Autour du Carré\" (45200 Montargis) permanently since 1998 Born in 1937 in Paris to French and Bulgarian families. Influenced from childhood by the light of the paintings of Turner and Whistler and the great impressionists. He has recently exhibited in various French, European, Japanese and American galleries. His palette is essentially composed of reds, blues, yellows and oranges. Although often from his imagination, his luminous and shimmering paintings seem familiar to us... That's the magic of Andreeff! He takes us on a journey from the imaginary to the real, from a foreground to the horizon in a reality close to a dream. Contemplating his paintings is like reading a collection of poems written from one page to the next with simplicity and spontaneity. (Editions AKOUN, 2005). François-Vassil ANDREEFF lives and works in CHATOU, 4 rue de la Paroisse (Yvelines) and in Château-Landon, la Cerisaie, (Seine et Marne) - 2006 Akoun quotes: 1200 € for 50x65 cm (19.8 x 25.7’’) format - 2009 quotation Thierry Samuel Weis (expert in Aix en Provence): 1000 € : 46x55cm (18x21.7’’) Contemporary art auctions: Drouot-Neuilly sur Seine (Me Aguttes) and Drouot-Richelieu. Academician Accademia Intern. Greci-Marino, and official academic knight of Verbano, Vinzaglio (Italy), Former Member of the Society Independent Artists (Paris), Gold Medal for Merit and Devotion in France (2004) Grand Gold Medal every year from 1999 to 2007 at the MCA (World of Culture and Arts) in Cannes, etc. Acquisitions of paintings notably by: - Millen, Zelano and Branighan, Attorneys at Law, Washington D.C - USPTO (American Patent and Trademark Office), Washington D.C., - Hôtel Négresco (Nice), - Town Hall, Fairfax, Virginia, USA, - Mitsui Petrochemicals (Osaka), - Akzo Nobel nv (Amsterdam) - European Patent Office (Munich) The artist of Bulgarian origin was therefore born in 1937. He was a little Parisian who, from the age of 9, in 1946, right after the end of the war, with his parents and/or his friends tirelessly visited the art galleries of the Louvre and the Jeu de Paume (Orsay was still just a train station) with his parents and/or his friends on Thursdays (the ancestor of today's Wednesday), (and when he was not "stuck" at school!), the art galleries of the Louvre and the Jeu de Paume (Orsay was still just a train station). He painted his first oil on canvas at the age of 12, using toothpaste "scrounged" in the family bathroom to save his pocket money as white paint. At 18, he won third prize for painting at a Salon d’Ile de France at the Château de Sceaux. \"But another, more reasonable path awaits him. We will therefore find him as a Doctor of Science, then pursuing an international career in the field of oil and renewable energies. He then only paints for his pleasure (dozens of canvases) under the watchful eyes of his wife and children, while nevertheless regularly participating in several Salons including Les Artistes Français and the Salon des Indépendents. Then, partially released from his professional obligations at the age of 65, in 2002, he can finally give free rein to his creative impulses. His inspiration was born in Seine et Marne on the borders of Loiret in a village (Château-Landon) with its triangular shape punctuated by medieval towers and bell towers that we will later find humorously hidden in landscapes of skyscrapers and landscapes of Tuscany. Landscapes of the Loire, architectural works by stylized dwellings form his pictorial ranges with later more urban materializations, vast expanses of water and landscapes enchanted by musical staves, silhouettes of conductors and swans. He paints at these subjects in abundance in a fundamentally singular writing in which gestures take on a determining importance on the visual level in the same way as his palette rich in frank tonalities and a marked chromatic amplitude. This stylistic synthesis can be compared to the paintings at the end of Turner's career. (Philippe Amiel, Journal \"Côté Arts\" January 2004). \"Despite this displayed movement, he remains free of any influence and retains an expressive freedom which increases the intrinsic value of his works. Later still, remaining faithful to Turner and In the search for refined tones of the American James Whistler, Andreeff sometimes enriched his palette with the "perspective of feeling" dear to the Fauves, with the autonomy of pure color that translates the emotion of the painter, with the abandonment of the outline and chiaroscuro. His invitation to move towards a horizon line drowned in blue or golden cameos or in vibrant harmonies of yellow, red and orange, violet-mauves (little green color due perhaps to another passion of the painter: Gothic stained glass windows where green is practically absent), hence a few colored spots and a mysterious light emerge, is reminiscent of Kandinsky.\"(Jean Monneret, Honorary President of the Salons du Grand Palais in Paris -2006- 2007, Dictionnaires Raisonnés) \"Space, such is the key word of Andreeff who often seeks to obtain evanescent pastel tones and to give water (recurring motif) the luminous fluidity of watercolor as in Jongkind\". (AKZO Nobel n.v., Amsterdam)

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The artistic work of François-Vassil ANDREEFF

Newly added works

François-Vassil ANDREEFF

« BRUME-DU-MATIN-A-CHATEAU-LANDON-EN-GATINAIS », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
Brume du matin à Château-Landon (en Gâtinais)
W. 41 x L. 27 x D. 2 cm
400 €
« CIELS-DE-NEIGE », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
Ciels de neige
W. 46 x L. 38 x D. 2 cm
700 €
« NOCTURNE-PROMENADES-CITADINES », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
Nocturne, promenades citadines
W. 41 x L. 33 x D. 2 cm
800 €
« LE-KOALA-AU-MUSEAU-BLEUTE », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
Le koala au museau bleuté
W. 73 x L. 60 cm
3 000 €
« REVERIE-A-VENISE-REF-897-702 », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
Rêverie à Venise, ref 897-702
W. 92 x L. 65 x D. 2 cm
2 000 €
« LE-CHANT-DU-CYGNE », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
Le chant du cygne
W. 65 x L. 50 cm
3 000 €
« LE-CARNAVAL-DES-ANIMAUX », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
le carnaval des animaux
500 €
« A-DISTANT-VIEW-OF-VENICE », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
A distant view of Venice
W. 92 x L. 65 x D. 2 cm
3 000 €
« BORDS-DU-FUSAIN-A-CHATEAU-LANDON », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
Bords du Fusain à Château-Landon
W. 35 x L. 24 x D. 3 cm
300 €
« FLORAISON-799 », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
Floraison 799
W. 46 x L. 38 x D. 4 cm
800 €
« ENIGMA-VARIATIONSBULGARIEME-MYSELF-AND-I », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
Enigma Variations,Bulgarie,ME-MYSELF and I
W. 92 x L. 60 x D. 6 cm
3 600 €
« PAYSAGE-A-CHATEAU-LANDON-GATINAIS », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
Paysage à Château-Landon (Gâtinais)
W. 46 x L. 38 x D. 5 cm
600 €
« OXFORDSHIRE-ENGLAND », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
Oxfordshire (England)
W. 41 x L. 24 x D. 4 cm
400 €
« DOMESPONTS-ET-CLOCHERS », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
Dômes,ponts et clochers
W. 41 x L. 27 x D. 5 cm
500 €
« VENISE-APRES-LA-PLUIE », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
Venise après la pluie
W. 27 x L. 19 x D. 3 cm
300 €
« BRUISSEMENT-DU-MONDE-VEGETAL-EN-ARDECHE-790 », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
Bruissement du monde végétal en Ardèche (790)
W. 41 x L. 33 x D. 6 cm
450 €
« HARMONIEUX-ETHER-DANS-SES-VAGUES-DARGENT-790 », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
Harmonieux ether dans ses vagues d'argent (790)
W. 41 x L. 24 x D. 5 cm
400 €
« BEAUTE-DE-LA-MONOCHROMIE-786 », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
Beauté de la monochromie (786)
W. 41 x L. 27 x D. 6 cm
500 €
« FEERIE-DE-LINFINI », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
Féérie de l'infini
W. 33 x L. 24 x D. 5 cm
400 €
« LE-LEVER-DU-JOUR-SUR-LE-MONT-CHAUVE-780 », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
Le lever du jour sur le Mont Chauve (780)
W. 24 x L. 16 x D. 5 cm
150 €
« LA-LEGENDE-DES-SIECLES-774 », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
La Légende des Siècles (774)
W. 27 x L. 22 x D. 5 cm
150 €
Hiver,vous n'êtes qu'un vilain(Charles d'Orléans)
W. 35 x L. 24 x D. 5 cm
300 €
« FONTAINE-DE-VIE-SACRE-DU-PRINTEMPS-798 », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
Fontaine de Vie, Sacre du printemps (798)
W. 46 x L. 38 x D. 5 cm
500 €
« LE-TEMPS-A-LAISSE-SON-MANTEAU-DE-FROIDDE-VERDURE », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
le temps a laissé son manteau de froid,de verdure
W. 35 x L. 27 x D. 5 cm
300 €
« ENIGMA-VARIATIONSMEMYSELF-AND-IN1001 », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
Enigma variations,Me,myself and I(n°1001)
W. 33 x L. 24 x D. 5 cm
450 €
« 8-IN-THE-COMING-EVENING », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
8 In the coming evening
W. 55 x L. 46 x D. 2 cm
800 €
« 6-SYMPHONIE-LONDONNIENE », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
6 Symphonie londonniène
W. 73 x L. 60 x D. 2 cm
1 400 €
« 5-LONDRES-APRES-LA-PLUIE », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
5 Londres après la pluie
W. 55 x L. 46 x D. 2 cm
700 €
« 4-HARLECH-CASTLE-WALES », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
4 Harlech Castle (Wales)
W. 46 x L. 38 x D. 2 cm
760 €
« 3-LE-VERGER-EN-HIVER », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
3 Le verger en hiver
W. 46 x L. 38 x D. 2 cm
470 €
« 2-NOWHERE », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
2 Nowhere 2
W. 46 x L. 38 x D. 2 cm
480 €
« LE-LAC-DES-CYGNES », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
Le Lac des Cygnes
W. 41 x L. 32 x D. 3 cm
600 €
« LEGLISE-DE-CHATEAU-LANDON », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
l'église de Chateau-Landon
W. 46 x L. 38 x D. 2 cm
800 €
« VENITIAN-SCENE », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
Venitian scene
W. 61 x L. 50 x D. 2 cm
1 100 €
« LUMIERE-EN-REVE », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
Lumière en rêve
W. 38 x L. 46 x D. 2 cm
400 €
« CHATEAU-LANDON-EN-GATINAIS », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
Chateau-Landon en Gâtinais
W. 55 x L. 46 x D. 2 cm
800 €
« BALLET-DE-REVE-BALLET-DE-FEU », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
ballet de rêve, ballet de feu
W. 92 x L. 73 x D. 2 cm
3 200 €
« GIEN-ET-LA-LOIRE », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
Gien et la Loire
W. 55 x L. 46 x D. 2 cm
900 €
« CERISIER-A-CHATEAU-LANDON-SEINE-ET-MARNE », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
cerisier à Chateau-Landon, Seine et Marne
W. 41 x L. 33 x D. 2 cm
1 000 €
« LE-JARDIN-DU-POETE », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
le jardin du poète
W. 35 x L. 27 x D. 2 cm
300 €
« BORDS-DU-FUSAIN-A-CHATEAU-LANDON-SEINE-ET-MARNE », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
bords du Fusain à Chateau-Landon ,Seine et Marne
W. 55 x L. 46 x D. 2 cm
500 €
« PARLEMENT-DE-LONDRES », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
parlement de Londres
W. 65 x L. 54 x D. 2 cm
1 200 €
« TOWER-BRIDGE-LONDON », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
tower bridge (London)
W. 65 x L. 46 x D. 2 cm
800 €
« VILLAGE-DE-TOSCANE », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
village de Toscane
W. 65 x L. 46 x D. 2 cm
900 €
« JARDIN-DE-BAGATELLE-A-PARIS », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
Jardin de Bagatelle à Paris
W. 30 x L. 40 x D. 1 cm
600 €
« CHATEAU-LANDON », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
W. 55 x L. 46 x D. 2 cm
800 €
« LES-PONTS-DE-LIMPOSSIBLE », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
les ponts de l'impossible
W. 65 x L. 54 x D. 1 cm
1 200 €
« FLEURS », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
W. 30 x L. 40 x D. 1 cm
800 €
« FUGUE-ET-ESCAPADE », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
Fugue et escapade
W. 93 x L. 73 x D. 2 cm
2 000 €
« RAINING-EVENING-LONDON », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
raining evening (London)
W. 46 x L. 38 x D. 2 cm
700 €
« MODERNISME », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
W. 65 x L. 54 x D. 2cm cm
1 300 €
« OUVERTURE-AU-SOLFEGE », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
Ouverture au solfège
W. 92 x L. 65 cm
600 €
« JAPONAISERIE-A-LA-FRANCAISE », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
Japonaiserie à la française
W. 41 x L. 27 x D. 2 cm cm
200 €
« AFTER-RAIN-CHAMBORD-IN-THE-DISTANCE », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
After rain, Chambord in the distance
W. 92 x L. 65 cm
600 €
« VENICECLOUDSWATER-AND-FISHERMEN », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
VENICE,clouds,water and fishermen
W. 65 x L. 54 cm
300 €
« AUBADE-A-CHICAGO », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
Aubade à Chicago
W. 55 x L. 46 cm
500 €
« UNE-BARQUE », Creation of the contemporary artist ANDREEFF
une barque
W. 61 x L. 46 cm
300 €