Discover the contemporary work of André.M
A graduate of the Ecole Supérieure d'Art Clermont Métropole (ESACM) in 2007, having always been keen to pass on my passion for the visual arts and painting in particular, I completed training to become a socio-cultural facilitator (Professional Certificate for Youth, Popular Education and Sport - BPJEPS), then worked for 2 years at the rural social center La Magic in Brout-Vernet (Allier). In conjunction with local authorities and social partners in the school sector, I organized one-off events and workshops aimed at promoting education in cultural expressions for all ages. I became a visual arts and socio-cultural education teacher, first at the middle school and then at the Lycée Agricole Professionnel de Massabielle (Puy-De-Dome).
Wishing to devote myself completely to art and my creations, I resigned in 2020 to realize an old dream: to open an Art Workshop in Clermont-Ferrand. I offer artistic workshops for all audiences, exhibitions, an art library
With this place of creation, I wish to question the importance of art and artists in our society through the analysis of the works produced, explore forms of language, question, claim, move. I want to transmit knowledge, techniques, know-how and contribute to making art accessible to all through playful approaches, in a spirit of creation, by practicing non-constraint.
André. M
Mathilde Andre's work tells of a struggle between forces that imprison and forces that liberate.
On the one hand, the injunctions since early childhood: "this is not how to do it", "this is not how to write", "this is not how to speak", " This is not how it should be. Social codes, academic codes, language codes, genetic codes, codes, codes, codes. "Apply tape so you don't overflow - even when you apply tape, you overflow - whatever you do, you will always overflow." "Don't associate this red with that blue." The artist bumps into a space in which she has no bearings, against a space she does not control. A constant reference to his dyslexia.
On the other hand, the homeostatic imperative, this irrepressible need to survive as a creative entity. What happens when we break the rules, when we step outside the box? Are we able to face the harsh looks, the definitive judgments, and above all challenge our own thought mechanisms? Is it even possible to free ourselves when we are to this point and for so long a prisoner of codes and boxes? If we remove the landmarks, is there still a space in which we can move? The artist lets the force of emotions and instinct express themselves. Colors emerge, especially blues, in which the artist navigates, asserts himself, seems to find a place. The works reveal a cold violence, a controlled aggressiveness, which leaves little hope for liberation. A small, thin glimmer is nevertheless there. The artist likes to quote Louise Bourgeois: "color is stronger than language." Little by little, the works become brighter, more soothing and allow more serenity to emerge. Colors say much more than shapes. They give the shape, they give the tempo, they are the moment, they are the movement, they vibrate. And despite beliefs, they can all be associated. But the result is clear: the scars remain, the graphic markers are omnipresent and recall the primary arts, the repetition of the patterns illustrates this attachment to this Cartesian space that the artist sought to escape. The balance is fragile.