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Annue Vandemalle
Menton / France
Artiste Painter
Annue Vandemalle

Born in the North, near the Belgian border, I grew up in this region and studied architecture there. Lille. Then in the year 2000 I attended the Van Der Kelen decorative painting school in Paris. Brussels and I came out with a medal. From 2004 to 2012 I went to live in a Buddhist center in Savoie in which I carried out my studies. the traditional 3-year retirement. At the end of this spiritual retreat, I resumed the normal course of life and I integrated for 1 year the Avignon heritage school where I obtained the title of decorative painter and graduated as valedictorian in 2014. Since then I have started to study. à draw as a painter while working most of my time in a team of fresco restorers at the Palace of Monaco. 

Artistic approach

What interests me in the activity? As a painter, it is essentially the process of creation. How do we create? For my part, I let myself be imbued with spontaneity, this form of intuition which guides my first gestures. I try to leave the mind clear and relaxed. and free from thoughts while applying colors to the canvas. I let the body do its thing. The colors are placed on the entire support and after the necessary observation time, I begin to paint. bring out what I have captured; in the shapes. Little to nothing Little by little the drawing takes shape and by scratching with a thin blade, lights appear. The universe thus inscribed in the canvas begins to evolve. speak to us like characters in fairy tales, each revealing to us the one who watches their history and their adventures...

Dates clés
Creation of my business and my activity as a painter
Diploma in decorative painting at the Avignon heritage school
Withdrawal from the world in a Buddhist center in Savoie
Van Der Kelen decorative painting diploma in Brussels
DPLG architect diploma

The artistic work of Annue Vandemalle

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Fairy tale character