Discover the contemporary work of aparisi
I was born in Valencia {Spain} at the beginning of the fall of 1942, I studied primary and secondary school at the age of 17, my family moved to Madrid, where I studied. at the School of Applied Arts and Artistic Trades, later at the Faculty of Fine Arts, and School of Architecture. I expanded I gained my knowledge at the Circle of Fine Arts under the tutelage of Mr. Demetrio Salgado and completed my training as a disciple of Mr. Amadeo Roca, Knight of Honor of the Arts and Sciences of France. I worked for more than 15 years as an official copyist at the Prado Museum in Madrid.
After going through the artistic stages of Classicism, Impressionism, Expressionism and Abstract, I have recently worked in a Semi-abstract line, that is, using the abstract form of expression but using real models as reference