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Armandine JS
Saint-Quentin-la-Poterie / France
Artiste Painter
Armandine JS

Born in June 1967, Armandine developed her skills. his creative mind from his childhood and adolescence by using felt-tip pens, pencils, charcoal and red chalk. However, his encounter with photography opened a new artistic path in his life. She trained and worked in the field. in this field for many years. An important turning point occurred when the artist met a painter, which revived her his interest in the visual arts. From then on, she began to à create paintings, highlighting a main subject: a woman with large, soft eyes and long, swirling eyelashes, who remained a major inspiration for her until today. this day.

In 2011, she  participated in à his first group exhibition, which sparked other proposals to which she took up  pleasure   participate. Since  2017, she devoted herself exclusively to  &agrav;  painting and  continues to share his work in different places.

In recent years a new artistic collection has emerged, mixing collages and paintings in a pure graphic atmosphere mixing abstract and figurative. Since 2022, the artist has installed his new workshop in Gard.

Artistic approach

Armandine, figurative artist, creates a free painting, mixing acrylic paint and collages of various materials. His works are divided into portraits of women with disproportionate eyes and "scenes of life" highlighting everyday objects surrounded by plants. His technique uses textured supports such as canvas and paper, with subtle reliefs. Armandine's objective is to share with the spectators a moment of poetry and calm.

His works are present in private collections in France, in Europe (e.g. Germany, Italy, Poland, etc.) and in the United States.

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The artistic work of Armandine JS

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