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Laurent SERRE
Artiste Pyrography
Laurent SERRE

After having butterfly happily between wood, silk, steel, enamels, wicker, wool and clay during my college and high school years,  One day I discovered an old satchel in an attic. A virus must have escaped from the work,  take possession of my hands, spread into my blood in a fraction of time.  I have been captivated, conquered, captivated; without hope or even will of remission. The material affected my senses and  taken up residence in my soul. A road opened up of discovery, learning, patience, disappointments sometimes, fullness often with the only master being: Leather.. 

Learn how to choose it according to the work, hunt for or create tools, feel how to use them, develop experiences, slide from one attempt to another. another, to learn without ever knowing.

Invest in a beautiful and efficient old tool, look for technical books from the beginning of the last century, be inhabited by through this world, permanently but gently. 

Engraving came to embellish the objects, then decided to create it. to settle down alone my work table, just to decorate a room instead of a sheet of vellum. Vegetable leather has become my favorite support, ancestral, loaded with nature. of history and smells of tannins, responding to water and massage, tricky and alive, supple and fragrant.

A bird of prey that soars, a cheetah that wakes up, a sail that catches the wind, a Basque house that takes shape before my eyes, a woman that combs her hair or dances...< /p>

Luckily a small roll of leather and a kit of selected tools, fit easily in a suitcase and rarely have been found. my travels and trips that happened without them. Many of my pieces have been painted. worked on the tablet of a hotel room, or the kitchen area of a studio.

Like everyone throughout life, I have lost friends and illusions, but the presence and smell of leather have never left me.

Artistic approach

 I don't think I have had an artistic approach, I have always felt a powerful desire to have my hands execute what I feel, this is what I want. through a material. I touched on it. a lot and I enjoyed them all, without ever falling in love with any.
It happened with leather, which is not explainable, leather was rare and expensive, inaccessible for the average teenager, little or no "club" in the 70s as one could find pottery, enamels, silk painting etc.

This has been difficult, alone with the material to obtain it, without being a craftsman, without a master, and for no reason other than this powerful feeling that the leather in my hands still gives me today.
The path has been totally free, slow, surprising sometimes, all my "techniques" were built on errors, failures.
My main strength on this road has been; the desire to try and do again, with no objective other than the pleasure of working. My other strength has been not to stay long without working, to keep my hand and my mind in phase, to be able to engrave a seen line that we no longer see, from memory, to no longer tremble, to be ready to move on. cis.
Over the years I have developed my skills. the capacity à make myself even more happy, love the result while remaining critical and measuring the margin for progress.
The fullness of engraving and painting Ink on vegetable leather is probably the only style and approach that has ever guided me.

The artist has no events planned at the moment. I add an event
Dates clés
dismantling and transformation of an old leather satchel
tanning tests on hair skins (sheep, rabbit, etc.) and the first simple works in skin, vests, guitar harnesses, small bags and handbags
Discovery of engraving and chiseled and embossed leather, purchase of tools and first tests
Around 400 pieces engraved, pyrographed, and painted with Indian ink, with a desire and undiminished pleasure in working with this material

The artistic work of Laurent SERRE

Newly added works

les ailes du vent

Flore vie lente


Criniéres et sabots (Chevaux, fauves et vie sauvage)


Pierres et Châteaux
