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Brigitte Bresson
Artiste Painter
Brigitte Bresson

At the beginning it was oil painting and pastels, then it was acrylic especially for murals and trompe-l'oeil. Watercolor brought her a lot, and also the ink technique that she executes in her own way, a little Japanese. For the paintings in oil she uses coatings on which she deposits a succession of glazes which will give a pure color, marriage of thickness with transparency, to which she adds sand, gold and silver leaf, cracks, paper, glitter etc... her approach is dreamlike, spiritual, canvases which have a veiled meaning and which are an introspection on the mysteries of the soul.
Her techniques acquired after training in decorative painting and several internships in Roussillon, are water-based patinas, oil, decorative coatings, painted furniture with light restoration, faux marble, faux wood, trompe l'oeil and always murals, panoramics, ancient techniques with the manufacture of products such as those with lime known for its velvety matt (lime patinas, whitewash, etc.), stuccos with a wax finish which gives an unequalled luster or black soap for a mineral appearance, hide glue used for furniture and casein. This artistic journey leads him to airbrushing, the dripping technique (letting it drip) and pouring (letting it flow) with epoxy resin that she uses as varnish or mixed with pigments, but also for various inclusions and to make reliefs. An insatiable curiosity will lead her to the creation of jewelry with minerals, orgonites, and dioramas.

She has over 20 years of experience in the practice of decorative painting on construction sites.

Artistic approach


L’ âme est reliée au souffle vital, elle est le lien qui relie "l'esprit créateur et immortel" à notre corps physique ici bas. En latin le mot âme dérive du mot anima, son origine est universelle, et elle se retrouve dans toutes les grandes spiritualités "la philosophie universelle", "l'hindouisme","le Bouddhisme", "le ShintoÏsme" etc... Les Mythologies aussi racontent sous formes de versions imagées, les péripeties spirituelles. Elle est cette part la plus sensible, la plus intime, la plus secrète, qui nous permet de relier intuitivement à une forme de transcendance. Plusieurs thématiques servent cette approche.



-Dibond: les plaques d’aluminium sont légères et rigides, elles permettent la réalisation de grands reliefs.

-Plexiglass: il est transparent comme le verre mais moins cassant et il offre un tro-éclairage de la surface.

-Toiles et bois.

Techniques mixtes:

-Le «Pouring» avec la résine coulée avec inclusions de pigments et divers éléments, la peinture vitrail, huile et acrylique.

Aspect final:

L aspect final de mes tableaux 3 D est glacé, avec des surfaces chaotiques, des reliefs, et d’autres planes et lisses comme du cristal.

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The artistic work of Brigitte Bresson

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ALETHEÎA : loin de la source de l'oubli, Concept de vérité !