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Algeciras / Spain

Hello! I am Javi González "Arxavin", an illustrator based in Algeciras (Spain) and I am a digital collage creator. I have always liked to draw, but it was in 2013 when I started taking painting and drawing classes and where I discovered the creation of artist books, it can be said that it was my first contact with the artist. with the transformation and creation of new images, and since then I have not stopped being in contact with drawing, in the year 2020 I decide to change my life, I leave my job and begin to train in illustration , but during this period of training I was missing something, the medium with which I could express myself, and in the summer of 2023 I discovered collage and it was like opening a door where it began. to sprout all my creativity. My collages do not have a pre-established script, if I have an initial idea or concept, from that idea or concept I look for the protagonists of my stories, it can be said that I cast the actors who will represent my story. Sometimes it is simply an image that has strength and I begin to build my stories around them, it is as if the images chose me. so that it creates a story around it and a spontaneous collage emerges. I like that my collage tells a story and that whoever sees it asks questions or makes up their own story. I am an illustrator in search of his voice.

Artistic approach

Create images that impact the observer, capturing their attention  and start asking questions about what those images are telling us. Leading the viewer to wonder why what happens or creating their own story.

The artist has no events planned at the moment. I add an event
The artist has not yet entered his path.

The artistic work of arxavin