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Chevregny / France
Artiste Painter

2002:  First contacts with Art in my childhood home in New York. Chevregny (02), small village in Picardy.

I discover the pleasures of manual work and the countless possibilities for metamorphoses of objects and materials. through all the transformations and original creations made by my parents in this old farm.

​2013 à 2017: Captivated through artistic projects at the College.

Supported and encouraged through my family I continue my orientation towards artistic training.

​2018: Self-taught, I draw inspiration from artistic techniques viewed in tutorials to improve my drawings.

Like the "Doodle Art" by the artist VEXX.

When I discovered STREET ART CITY for the first time in Paris, Lurcy-lévis (03), I am starting to introduce myself to bomb practice as well as other abstract painting techniques.

​June 2020: Obtaining the Professional BAC in Artistic Crafts, Visual Communication Option.

I met the painter Marcel BAWOL during one of my internships. His work captivates me and it encourages me to do more. continue my artistic studies.

2020 / 2021: Preparation for art school entrance exams.

It’s up to date At the Ecole d’Art du Beauvaisis, I discovered other forms of art such as screen printing, sculpture, ceramics, photography, modeling, etc. develop my skills through the experience of other artists.

​April 2021: Admitted to competitive examination the Valenciennes School of Art and Design.

These 3 years at coming will allow me to complete my artistic training with the aim of obtaining a National Art Diploma.

August 1, 2021: Declared Independent painter: BAMBY-ART

At 19, I started freelancing to complement my training at the university. ESAD in Valenciennes to be able to practice my art and thus have my creations discovered by others. as many people as possible.

​June 2022: Admitted to the 2nd year at the Valenciennes School of Art and Design.

I validate my first year and I continue my journey by choosing the ART option.

​June 2023: Admitted to the 3rd year at the Valenciennes School of Art and Design.

Final straight to the DNA option ART.

​For my nickname, I chose "BAMBY"  (with a Y like Landry), this is the nickname that was given to me. given by my group of friends from high school... We were 4 friends with all different talents... "the fantastic 4".

I'll let you discover through my website: www.bamby-art.com all my creations... for the pleasure of your eyes ;)

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Dates clés
Professional Baccalaureate Crafts of Artistic Professions Option Visual Communication
BEAUVAISIS School of Art
VALENCIENNES School of Art and Design

The artistic work of BAMBY

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