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Barbara .
Soufflenheim / France
Artiste Painter
Barbara .

My name is Barbara, Alsatian painter.
Always passionate about art, my first works were portraits that I sold at the age of fifteen.
Museums and libraries are quickly becoming my homes where I learn, question myself and seek myself through poetic works, illustrations and art manuals from all periods.
A love for ancient civilizations was born, guiding my path towards a faculty of study. of archeology and art history.
Over the years, I build my universe drawing here and there from texts, paintings and beliefs offering me to create an ideal color palette for myself.
Without knowing it, I built around me a world of my own, a world that only exists through my thoughts.

Artistic approach

My artistic approach is an intermediary between our reality and our reality. and an invisible world.
I would like anyone who looks at my works to be surprised by what they see. call on all his senses, which he explores beyond of the visual a universe that he will have unconsciously created.
It is not just a matter of observing but of calling on the origins, the roots, the earth.
My works are a reflection of my emotions, of my nature.
My desire is for the viewer to give birth to a new dimension, a new world.
A perpetual dialogue then sets up with the works, built around the history, the mood, the evolution of those who look at them.
The works take us back to; We use our emotions and project our own path, thus creating an ideal.
It is a work of introspection which returns to its meaning. each one has their own authenticity.

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The artistic work of Barbara .

Newly added works

An island in the sky