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Cosne-sur-loire / France
Artiste Painter

Claude Bardinet (1934, France 92) august 2015 Claude Bardinet, painter, poet, geographer, exhibited his paintings and calligraphy from the 1960s, in various countries, France, Belgium, Algeria and Germany. He is a member of La Maison des Artistes and ADAGP. Since the year 2000, he exhibited in Paris “Salon des Indépendants”, “Salon Art en Capital “ Le Grand Palais, Paris. Include his exhibition personal gallery Mona Lisa, Paris 2003, and his last personal exhibitions, in October 2011 Espace Mompezat, 16 rue Monsieur le Prince, Paris, since May 2012 Espace Belle de N., 1 rue de l’Oratoire, Nevers, and Librairie-Galerie Racine, Paris 2014-2015.He won the Bronze Medal with mention in 2005, 2006, 2007 and the Silver Medal 2013 and 2015 at the International Academy of Lutèce, and was distinguished by the national federation of French culture “Toile d’Or 2010”. for her Poietique Gothique canvas exposed at the Grand Palais in 2008.He is the author of poetry, all illustrated by him, among others: Topomatique Poétique 2001 - Topomatique Quantique 2002 - Topomatique Polysémique 2007 published in the collection “Le Luy de France”, Puissante Usure du Temps 2010 in the “Editions des Poètes Français”, Paris, Poïétique de l’échelle et du verbe 2012 in “La Nouvelle Pléiade” and Anamnèse, Intrication poétique 2014, « éditions Librairie-Galerie Racine », Paris, France.As geographer (1977-2007), he has been published in many journals national and international, in the collections of the ENS-Paris, and in collaboration (C. Bardinet & J.J. Royer editors, CODATA) Geoscience and water resources - environmental data modeling, Springer, 1997. - Collections : France, Belgique, Allemagne, Algérie, Japon, Suisse etc… - Site Web : www.claude-bardinet.com - Courriel : [masqué pour votre sécurité] - Adresse : 39, rue du 14-Juillet, Cosne-sur-Loire, 58200 France.

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