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Bernard AMIOT
Athis mons / France
Bernard AMIOT

Born in Juvisy-sur-Orge in 1947, Bernard studied drawing in several private Parisian schools from 1963 to 1969. He then decided to launch himself as a publicist until 1976. So, although he was passionate about creating and drawing, he quickly realized that all the good habits acquired in gestures on large formats were reduced \"to the size of a simple logo, and that the world of \"advertising\" was far too compartmentalized\' to be fully satisfied with his work. Some time after having made two decorative panels for a large Parisian window, he was spotted by a decorator and hired as a draftsman... \"I had finally found the opportunity to express myself more freely...\" And it is by making : plans and multiple sketches of scenery which he is seized by the desire to go further and to give himself the power to concretize his projects by putting his hand to the work. Then comes the time of a new apprenticeship with professionals in the shaping of various materials such as wood, metals, fabrics...Quite naturally, he realizes that the can combine the world of scenery creation and manufacturing with the world of drawing. Later, the opportunity to meet a decorator and an architect made him see the chance to learn about interior design. A 4 year passion that led him to become an interior designer in 1980. An exciting job that will leave him with little personal time. It would take him a long time to wait for an evening with friends, for an amateur painter who knew his background to ask him to give him some drawing lessons, soon other friends passionate about art to join him. And it is at the end of a session that one of them slips in : \"You who has the facility to draw, why don\'t you come Thursday evening, we have a painting class\"!... Finally, in 2002, Bernard had the opportunity to learn the magic of oil painting, even if his professional travels would disrupt his emerging ambitions. In 2013, retired, this creative passion can finally reappear... In 2019, more than ever enthusiatic, he developed new projects. \"My painted-sculpted paintings\" He says he wants to : —\"To get out of limitation of frames, so that the painting do not end up hanging on the wall like in a museum, but that they are integrated into an environment and that thus metamorphosed, they become a living material\". —\"Under no circumstances do I want to be bogged down in any style or movement. But, always experiment with new ideas.\" Training Painting training : -2002 to 2005 - Oil painting courses ( Association \"poppies and dandelions\" in Essonne) Drawing training : - 1966 to 1969 - Private school for professional preparation in advertising (Paris) (advertising, nude, drawing, fabrics, photo retouching, art history, etc) - 1965 to 1996 - \"School of Art and Grafts\" (Paris photography section, shooting, retouching) - 1963 to 1965 - Prrivate drawing school (Paris - industrial drawing, perspectve and shadow studies, lettering drawing) Professional activity : - 1980 to 2013 - Creation of a sole proprietorship in interior design - Creation of a sole proprietorship for shop fitting and exhibition decorations - Participation in \"CNES\" exhibitions (France and abroad) - 1975 to 1979 - Assistant decorator ( draftsman, volume model, plans and theatre sets) - Apprenticeship with professionals on the shaping of various materials (wood, metals, moulding, fabrics etc.) - 1970 to 1974 - Assistant store decorator (plans for the manufacture of department storedecorations)

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