Discover the contemporary work of Roger BOUBENEC

For a long time, Roger Boubenec had two jobs: visual artist and professional diver in the French Navy. A former combat swimmer, number 568 in the Hubert commando, then diving instructor at the Navy Diving School and deep diver at GISMER (reaching 218 meters), each dive was an opportunity for him to transcribe his experiences in the form of watercolors and oil paintings on canvas.
One day, during a dive to a depth of 150 meters, he noticed the progressive disappearance of colors, until the total loss of the visible, like a wave sliding over him. This unique experience inspired what he calls "water poetry": this residual glow that persists beyond the fading of colors. This mystery permeates all of his works.
His watercolors, often in very large formats (1.53 x 1.53 m or 1.53 x 3 m), but also in more classic formats (57 x 75 cm), are accompanied by poetic texts that, for him, extend the transparencies of his creations. Roger Boubenec has been teaching watercolours for many years at the Peiresc Cultural Centre in Toulon, sharing his expertise and passion.
In addition, with his son Vincent, who has Down syndrome, they have developed an artistic project called "Travail à 4 mains". Vincent creates collages inspired by the themes covered, and Roger then uses watercolours to create a true artistic palimpsest.
The painter William Turner had already expressed a similar feeling, which was later explored in greater depth by the philosopher Kant in the notion of the "sublime": our smallness in the face of the forces of nature. For Roger Boubenec, this feeling lies in the immensity of the navy blue, which revealed to him his own fragility and reinforced his solidarity with others. Blue is, for him, an endless adventure.
Contacts and networks:
- [www.galerieboubenec.fr](http://www.galerieboubenec.fr)
- [Instagram: travaila4mains](http://www.instagram.com/travaila4mains)
Since 1994 Roger Boubenec has been a Knight of the National Order of Maritime Merit.
And certified at a rating of 1500.00euro by the world leader in information on the art market since 1985 Akoun since 2022
Multidisciplinary, I create large format watercolors (1.53mx1.53m) with natural elements such as water streams, plant prints, salt crystallization, pigment projections. Another aspect of my artistic work is in oils, which I create using the glaze method. I also design paintings that are composed of a multitude of watercolors in the shape of butterflies. Also, I build sculptures made of aged paper outdoors. These sculptures are a symbol of impermanence.
I also make watercolor collages with my son Vincent, who has Down syndrome, called "travaila4mains" whose spirit makes me grow every day, I create travel notebooks in which I integrate elements and prints taken on site.
I have been giving watercolor lessons at the Relais Peiresc sociocultural center in the city of Toulon (France) for many years.
I also practice street art and participate in many festivals around the world
The artistic work of Roger BOUBENEC
Newly added works
Lumière sous marine
Aquarelle sous marine et empreinte de végétaux
