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Albi / France
Artiste Painter

Born in Albi, the artist lived in several French regions before returning to her hometown that she loves.

"As a teenager, I drew, so it was natural that I studied architecture and art history.  Passionate about color and light, I have never stopped deepening this art, a permanent learning has allowed me to acquire many techniques: oil, acrylic, watercolor, brushwork, knife work... There is no message in this informal painting, based only on the graphic aspect, not to transform reality but so that only the main part remains. The drawing organizes the pictorial space almost geometrically, the work on the composition and the harmony of colors will be the main obsessions of these works. The superpositions of layers of material, more or less thick, laid on the canvas with a knife give the relief in place of a particular perspective.

Marie BUFFIERE is inspired by the art that exists everywhere, Her paintings reflect her imagination and her perseverance.

Artistic approach

The style
The artistic references are Nicolas de Staël, Matisse, Soutine.
The style is contemporary, the acidulous colors in search of a pictorial aesthetic.
In this representation of nature, the line delimits the spaces in an architectural and refined composition where the detail is concentrated on the material by eliminating elements of reality in order to keep only the main ones.

The technique
The creations are made on canvases, wooden frames, oil paint worked with a knife.

The artist has no events planned at the moment. I add an event
The artist has not yet entered his path.

The artistic work of BUFFIERE

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