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Angers / France
Artiste Painter

Caillaud d’Angers was born on November 27, 1911 in La Gaubretière (Vendée).
Sixteen years later, he was a student at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Angers, where he won first prize in the department and a scholarship to the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris. During his stay in Paris, he participated in several group exhibitions and met several contemporary artists whose works he studied: Matisse, Picasso, Rouault, etc.
At the age of 27, he was appointed professor of drawing at the Collège de Cognac. After the war, he devoted himself to abstract and figurative studies.

In 1953, he exhibited his famous Green Christ in Angers, which caused a scandal.
From 1956, his works could be seen in the major European galleries, London, Paris, Gothenburg, Dortmund, etc., and in the USA, in New York and Pittsburgh, in Quebec in Canada where he obtained the silver medal; to this was added the gold medal of the city of Cognac.
As the salons and exhibitions progressed, his style evolved. In the 1970s, his series of large watercolors was highly regarded for its artistic qualities, which were compared to those of Rouault, Chagall, Dufy, etc.

Since the beginning of his career, Caillaud d'Angers has been interested in the many artistic trends he has encountered, allowing him to create his own style that follows in the footsteps of the greats: Picasso, Braque, de Staël, Kandinsky...
Art critics cite Caillaud d'Angers as a magician of color and place him among the greatest colorists of our contemporary painting. It was only after years of meditation and sketching on the Apocalypse that he began, in 1983, to sketch what would become a landmark work of sacred art of the late 20th century. In 1984, he made a first draft by producing forty-five large-format watercolours, executed in Peñíscola, under the 40° parallel, with the same light as on the island of Patmos. This series was immediately followed by the large paintings on the Apocalypse, which were completed a year later and presented for the first time to the Angevin public in September 1985, then in many cities and museums.
Regarding this work, René-Régis de Coniac wrote: “Like many painters, Caillaud d’Angers could have stopped at depicting the grandiose evocations of the apostle John. He would have done the work of a painter; who could have blamed him? Passionate through the sacred text, he went much further; he insisted on crossing the limits of the sensible to suggest the very essence of the message. This is what makes his work remarkable. Following the apostle verse by verse, he tends to arouse through color and line to which he returns, the profound thought of the text ".

In 1988, as part of the Bicentennial mission, he produced 42 large-format canvases for the “Fresque du Bicentenaire de la Révolution française et des Droits de l’Homme 1788-1794”. After numerous exhibitions, most of the works were bequeathed to the Museum of Art and History of the City of Cholet.
From 1992-1993, Caillaud d'Angers developed a set of masterful works to illustrate "The Song of Songs", the most beautiful hymn to love that has ever been written. First international exhibition of the 48 paintings at the Museum of Payerne in Switzerland from May to September 1996.
At the turn of the 2000s, at over 80 years old, tireless painter, he illustrates many poems in semi-figurative and abstract compositions "Les Matin Clairs" by Silvaine Arabo, "Taureaux en Majesté", "Diamants de l'Ardoise", "Le Temps des cathédrales"...

Louis Caillaud d'Angers died on June 3, 2007 at the age of 96.

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The artistic work of Louis CAILLAUD D'ANGERS

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