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chantal LE PAPE
Verneuil d'Avre et d'Iton / France
Artiste Painter
chantal LE PAPE

I was born in 1947 in Yvelines. In 1980 I moved, with my family, to Chaise Dieu du Theil where I raised Scottish Terriers until 2020, which we still find in my paintings! I discovered naive painting during the Verneuil sur Avre exhibitions in 2005. I had never painted in my life, I took part in a workshop organized during the 2008 exhibition. It was a revelation! Since then it has become my passion. I like painting old houses (that of Monnet in Giverny for example) as well as pretty castles (Chenonceau, Chambord, Versailles etc…). In 2010 with a painter friend, we created the association “le Rendez-vous des Naïfs” in order to promote naive painting. For 11 years, we organized the annual exhibition “LE RENDEZ-VOUS DES ARTISTES NAIFS” in Verneuil d’Avre & d’Iton. I have participated in numerous exhibitions in France and abroad (Belgium, Italy, Bulgaria, Romania). (Price of the city of Ferté Vidame in 2022).

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