Discover the contemporary work of Pascal CHAUVEAU

Pascal Chauveau, the painter whom some people call the "Alien"European Art MasterPainter and graphic designer, Pascal Chauveau lives and works in Cherbourg (France) where he is born in 1962. The artist is outside normal limits, crazy of work; at 17 years old he sold his first painting, as a professional, called "the fear".Until now, he has painted 500 paintings and sold more than 400. He's never wanted to belong to the conventional circuit of salesmen. However, he has never stopped exhibiting in the world wide.He is nominated in 32 reference books. He gets promoted as an Honoris Causa Doctor of Art in 1992 in Belgium and as well a multitude of gratitude on the whole planet. He was supported by professor emeritus to express the deserving work. All of this has not stopped him to pass recently an Art degree at the University of Metz... Probably for the pleasure.He gives to himself his own freedom in his work with an eclectic expression. His palette is intense and very coloured, it lives. We are enthralled by renewed powers of the colour and the light. His motto : "the unity in the diversity" is a perfect representation.Around 1986, his paintings and especially "Staggering Spanish landscape" shows us an unreal world, with his sensitivity close to Dali.He makes visible the extravagant and melodious aspects of life without any restraint.Scenes completely crank, the praise of the unconscious, the dream, the imagination and the madness. Here, we are immersed in his surrealist period.He draws as well with a perfect mastery.The outline of the shape is well defined with this intensity that suggest the third dimension and gives the all illusion of the scene.His abstract period appears with an absolute painting, free of any reference or figurative reminiscence. He lets us discover in his paintings an abundance of colours, a variation of shapes and textures, cosmic or jagged and fitted into one to the other. The shapes of supremacist have the same life as the nature shapes. The proof is the painting "Blue Velvet".He excels in differences compositions. He has a remarkable technique skill, a varied palette.Probably one of most famous French artist in the world. Pascal Chauveau offers us a work of an exceptional density. This is the reason why the Anglo-Saxons collectors show a real interest of his work...J. Saint-Aubin, Cambridge Expertise Limited - Counselor of Sotheby's London.Biography at the encyclopaedic Art dictionaries : Benezit 1999 (French) - Thieme-Becker (German) - Macmillan (English) -Davenport (USA) - Alba (Italian) - Signatures and Monograms (French) - Who'sWho in France - Bottin Mondain 2000.Official quotation "International Auctions" :MAYER - ADEC - AKOUN - GUIDARGUS - VAN WILDER - Etc.More of 500 paintings in 20 years of work.Art is, since the first spark in the universe, the essence of everything. All is governed and organized by its influence; nothing would exist without art (the TAO). It represents the common factor that links and unifies the microcosm and the macrocosm in an entire, coherent and homogenous whole. The momentary situation, the fundamental unity, the instant of eternity, in sum, the keystone residing in a work of precise dimensions “is” the direct reflection, meeting the same requirements than the universal situation. The artist is the holder but not the owner of art, since art “is” the greatest present that the divine has ever given or, rather, trusted to men. On the other hand, the artist should stay reasonable and not believe that he is God. Pascal CHAUVEAU Pascal CHAUVEAU as seen by the critics : Les ramifications visuelles et allégoriques promulguent l'intensité et la profondeur de l'oeuvre. On est contraint d'admettre la force expressive de l'artiste, il ordonne son travail suivant les sens qu'il veut exprimer. Il dilate, il construit, il trace un univers riche et varié dans lequel il s'amuse à étreindre les mystères du passé dans une allégorie du futur. Tout son travail étale une profusion de détails et de formes et par l'intensité de ses couleurs ou la juxtaposition des symboles il relate des thèmes séculiers que beaucoup de nos contemporains ont déjà oublié. Des métaphores diront certains ou des images pour d'autres, l'essence de son oeuvre ballotée par le monde antique et sa définition de la philosophie et de l'autre le monde moderne et sa louange du cartésianisme et des mathématiques, inculque une explication subtile de notre monde. La place de l'homme est ici magnifiée, à la fois bercée par les dieux et les mythes et son enracinement dans la science. Pascal Chauveau mesure le temps qui passe et relate habilement et avec force une certaine idée de la grandeur et de la décadence humaine. Son art traverse de manière ingénieuse les courants modernes comme le surréalisme et la logique de Kandisky et tout en offrant un regard complexe sur notre existence il préfigure une construction nouvelle de l'art. Antoine CARLIER MONTANARIFrancis PARENTArt critic, Art Historian and writer.(Member of the A.I.C.A) International Association of the Art critics.Very numerous prefaces of exhibitions catalogues : Peter Klasen, Corneille, Lorjou, Tom Wesselman, Arman, Chilida, Tapiès, César, Soto, Zao Wou-Ki, Sol Lewit, Valtat etc...I know the painting of Pascal CHAUVEAU since the first Biennial of Sharjah (U.A.E.) United Arab Emirates in 2001 where I was commissioner for France and he was exhibitor.Although eclectic, from geometric abstraction to surrealism with sometimes Pop connotations, his work is always excellent. He is well referenced in numerous publications and is present to many collectors.He told me his desire, to make a gift of some of his art works to some foundations and museums.So this mail, to whom it may concern, to confirm him, from my point of view, these gifts would complete opportunately these collections. Francis Parent.His paintings are presented as decorative boards coming from very different influences; they are sometimes constituted from a surrealistic imagery, sometimes from abstract elements. LE BENEZIT, Dictionnaire des peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs et graveurs, éd. GRÜND PARIS, 1999. Pascal CHAUVEAU was born in Cherbourg, where he lives and creates; although he has been a professional painter since he was young, he remains averse to the habitual circle of art dealers and this can explain his perfectly individual and vehement artistic skill.Impregnated by antique Roman art and with a sensitiveness close to Surrealism, yet overturned, the artist likes to sprinkle his works with linear decisive signs and mysterious volutes from which a head of a statue, a body and a star emerge...Pascal CHAUVEAU seems to follow and to control a subtle mechanism adapted to Realism as well as to Imagination, thus restoring an enthusiastic vision, like a gulp of symbols, of sensuality, of dynamism that the variety of techniques and composition absorbs in a brilliant creativity.The impact of the past and the vision of the future come together in powerfully-built, but amazingly elegant, paintings with unbelievable and suggestive finesses transformed into veritable mirrors of the imaginary by his implacable mastery.Through these upsetting harmonies of captivating nuances, Pascal CHAUVEAU reproves his figurative sources and inserts in his great works an unknown universe with magic connections and unusual developments, where worries and hopes mix together in a saga of chimerical expressions of contemporary art released from the dross of styles. André RUELLAN, Critic Art - Culture - FrancePainter and graphic designer, Pascal Chauveau brings together in his paintings his great mastery of drawing, of volumes and of perspective at the service of a powerful imaginary. He likes to revisit History and the events of Antiquity to translate them into a visionary expression marked by Surrealism. Thus, he revisits the site of Herculaneum, frozen under meters of materials coming from the explosion of the Vesuvius in 79 AD. The rigorous construction of the work is a homage to the Greco-roman architecture of the town founded by Hercules. Book "Portraits of Artists". Ed. REGARDS , PAU, FRANCEPygmalion, a skilled sculptor, lived in Cyprus. He was resolutely a misogynic and he "hated the flaws with which nature had filled women". He sculpted a statue incarnating in his eyes the ideal of the feminine beauty. This search of perfection brought him so far away that he felt in love with the statue. Touched by this attitude, Aphrodite or Venus, according to versions; brought the statue into life that he called Galatea. The Greco-roman myth narrated by Ovid has traversed the ages inspiring painters and sculptors in an infinity of interpretations. Pascal Chauveau brings his vision marked by Surrealism. A great surrealist composition for a destructive Herod, with the splendor of a legendary universe. Pascal Chauveau shows a great firmness in his writing and a beautiful visual acuity that intensifies lines and volumes. We are discovering pride and its outrageousness in a vehicle of spatial evasion (Herod or the excessive pride). L'Amateur d'Art, 1990. Surrealistic paintings made with industriousness. The painter also expresses his admiration for Pop'Art. G, SCHURR, Le guidargus de la peinture, 1998. Chauveau is a very elegant artist regarding his brushwork, and his works are distinguished: from the figurative to the surrealism, as well as the symbolism, all is pure and perfect. He is absolutely an artist to follow... Visages du XXe siècle. (Review by "La Légion Violette", cultural association of the members of the Legion of Honor, of the Academic Palms, of Arts and Letters -Founded in 1952-) Prize "Visages du XXe siècle", 1989. Touching in his surrealist writing, the artist excels in his abstract compositions yet... AKOUN, "CV-XIX-XX", Répertoire biographique d'artistes de tous pays des XIXe et XXe siècles, 2005. Freud has sounded the processes of the unconscious, Pascal Chauveau ventures himself in the domain of the secret “me” of the human being through a journey in Le couloir des songes. L'Amateur d'Art, 1989. Images that are not only signs or symbols, but that also have in the representation of the matter a deep and mysterious meaning: in other words, it is the identification of an ancient “memory” that resuscitates with the history, the myths and the characters from different epochs. And here we have the representation, at the background, of a panorama where the surrealist technique re-emerges under conceptual aspects, suggesting again all that has been contemplated as one event or another. His subjects are related to time, emblems, architecture and literature, associated to new formulas, all this aimed at getting an ideal reconstruction. All this, like in the first surrealism, is a reflection on life and history drawn with no rules or aesthetic conditions. In this way, Chauveau’s dream-like aspects drive us towards the souvenir of a world traversed by the events, in which elements advance with majesty towards an ideal reconstruction. Antonio CAGGIANO, Conservateur aux Musées nationaux italiens, 2000. His intimist research brings and elaborates a painting with sharp signs, an abstract painting with decorative motives that often overlay in varied compositions with a formal and chromatic strong suggestion. Gino TRABINI, Membre de l'Académie "Tiberina" de Rome, 2004.Mêlant intimement sa vie et son art, Pascal Chauveau incarne un retour aux sources de la civilisation humaine. L'art de Pascal Chauveau révèle une écriture personnelle, codifiée, resituant la création au centre de toute vie depuis les origines. Féru d'histoire, passionné de mythologie, il revisite les grands sites et moments fondateurs en une démarche artistique empreinte de surréalisme, d'abstraction et de symbolisme. Une grande maîtrise technique alliée à un sens inné de la composition et un perfectionnisme extrême permettent à l'artiste d'aboutir des oeuvres allant jusqu'au bout de la pensée, du symbole et de l'imaginaire dans une démarche essentiellement abstraite."Milo" extraite de la série des "Cyclades" répond comme un écho à l'île du même nom où fut trouvée, en 1820, la célèbre Vénus de Milo exposée au Musée du Louvre."Cyclades... vestiges de la "légendaire Atlantide" selon Platon ?..." Pascal ChauveauPar Philippe BOUSCAYROL Editions R.E.G.A.R.D.SInternational Biennials of Contemporary Art- Washington, USA, 1991- Théodore Museum, Toronto, Canada, 1994- Royal Académie of Arts, 226e Summer Exhibition, Londres, 1994 - Florence, Italie, 1998- Sharjah, Emirats Arabes Unis, 2001- Artex, Tokyo, 2001, Japan Contemporary Art Association- Huttenberg, Autriche, 2002- Paris, France, Grande Arche de la Défense, 2002- La Quinta Arts Fondation, Los Angeles, 20e annuel 2002- Artexpo 2003, Javits Convention Center, New York- European Art Masters 2003 (Maîtres européens), Trenton, New-Jersey, USA- EUROP'ART, Genève, 2003- Basilique Santa Maria del Popolo, Rome, 2003- Saint Tropez, 2004- Palace du Negresco, Nice, 2004Personal exhibitions :Numerous exhibitions in international prestigious galleries : Europe, Etats-Unis, Asie.Prizes and distinctions :- Particular attestations and testimonials, Chief Education Officer and Honorary Lecturer of the Sorbonne: Paris I and IV and the University of Europe.- First Grand Prize of drawing 1988 at the 39th International Grand Prize of Painting of Deauville.- Prix du Public Aix-en-Provence 1990, Lords of Art International Salon.- French merit and dedication, Gold Medal 1998.- Medal of Vermeille "Arts-Sciences-Letters" 2000.- Honor Cup of the Town of Nice 2004, International Grand Prize of Nice.- Many other prizes and distinctions.- Many illustrated and specialized books.
The artistic work of Pascal CHAUVEAU
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