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Christophe Gautrand
Montreuil / France
Artiste Painter
Christophe Gautrand

My educational, professional and artistic career has always been guided by a view and a passion for nature. From the world of the infinitely small, bacteria, fungi, spores, to the century-old trees of the forests, the plant world is a source of inspiration and permanent questioning.

Artistic approach

Landscape architect since 2007, I draw inspiration from nature for my landscape creations. The tree is at the center of my creations. It was by browsing European nurseries in search of trees intended for gardens that I realized that my outlook was transformed.

Between the trees and me a sort of game of seduction has taken place, a tactile and sensual dialogue, a path towards intimate knowledge. In contact with their trunk, the bark, the branches, I form a sensitive relationship with them. These encounters, each time different and unique, are the source of my artistic inspiration.

Thus my creations express the emotion felt during his dialogues with the trees that I depict as characters. Through my paintings, my photographs and my installations I encourage us to renew our view of trees, often perceived as simple « objects » inert in the urban or country setting.

To see them as living, intelligent, sensual and sensitive beings.

Today, whether in my landscape projects or in my artistic approach, I seek to reveal the links that unite us to the plant and forest world

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