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Clara Duch
Artiste Painter
Clara Duch

I was born in the city of Barcelona in 1964 and I am a psychologist. I started to paint  in 1993, in Isabel Cid's workshop, until 2009. Since then, I have pursued my artistic activity in a self-taught way.

In 1978 I obtained the 1º Cataluña painting prize,  Lola Anglada. I have exhibited in Lineart 2009, The Art Fair in Flanders Expo Gent (Belgium);  La Fabriqueta, 2015, Dones d’art in Caldes (Caldes d’ Estrach, Barcelona);  ART 3 , 2017 (Puigcerdà, Barcelona) and in other spaces in Barcelona.






Artistic approach

Regarding my influences, Picasso and German Expressionism were my starting point. The most recurring themes in my works are imaginary constructions or streets and houses that I usually photograph. I frequently use dark backgrounds on which I apply bright colors; I like to create chromatic contrasts. Occasionally, I do the opposite: I use a sparse palette on a white background.  My painting is naive because it is not based on a series of conventional techniques related to composition, drawing and perspective. Sometimes I feel like a girl starting to write. I'm still setting up my handwriting. I have the feeling that it will always be like this. The brushstrokes will change with my step, sometimes fast, other times slower. I choose to paint everything that allows me to evoke sensations of silence, loneliness and introspection. I also seek to reflect the human presence, or its absence. I intend to transport the viewer to some of the emotions I experience. In fact, each appreciation is a new encounter that enriches our dialogue.


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Oil painting