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Argenteuil / France
Artiste Sculptor

Secondary teacher, self-taught, I love art in many forms.

since 2020 I have allowed myself to à develop this taste by producing in a very concrete way, personal desires, or on orders after exchanges.
I am passionate about by the raw representations in concrete and steel, whether abstract or architectural.

Artistic approach

Autodidact, I like the raw aspects of materials.


Metal fascinates me particularly for its rigidity, its ability to be twisted and strained.

But it’s also its weight that I like.

Because if it is very heavy, the balance games on which I work make it as light as a feather, in appearance...

And when the wind and the sun come to vary the orientations, the balances and the reflections. Creations transform in random and surprising ways.


My creations can be intended for interiors as well as exteriors depending on their dimensions and their preparations.

Moreover, while some are only a few centimeters tall, other monumental ones exceed 8m.


I particularly appreciate the diversion of materials through the use of iron. concrete, offcuts or reformed metal parts.


I like to work in collaboration with my buyers to realize a desire, an idea...

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