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Dali Ka-DKlée
Caen / France
Artiste Other expression
Dali Ka-DKlée

I am Dali Ka, multidisciplinary artist, born in France on April 20, 1980, at the dawn of the Berber spring, a symbolic moment which may have awakened the I have a natural inclination for artistic expression and the celebration of cultural diversity. My journey bears witness to a life that has flourished despite the odds. from humble beginnings and who has drawn on its strength in the roots of Algerian migration to France, a heritage that continues to shape my artistic vision. From my childhood, I felt a deep connection with art, a universe where I found refuge and inspiration. My passion for expression manifested itself through through the writing of texts, the composition of poems and the creation of images that accompanied them, thus forming the foundations of an artistic adventure that was taking shape.

While progressing as a passionate autodidact, I explored and master's degree a multitude of artistic techniques, shaping my own style to the rhythm of my learning quest. This thirst for discovery led me to take on the challenge of a national poetry competition, where my dedication earned me 3rd regional place, marking a decisive turning point in my artistic journey...

At the same time, I immersed myself in in the captivating world of exhibitions, sharing my creations with a public eager for new things. Each exhibition has been a window into my creative soul, contributing to my creativity. shape my unique style and create my own style. to define my distinct artistic voice. The transition from painting to painting Graphic design has opened new perspectives to express my artistic vision, while continuing to enrich my introspective and intuitive prose writing. My texts, charged with emotion, blend harmoniously with my visual creations, creating an immersive artistic experience.

The innovative movement that I have baptized "emotionalism" depicts the complexity of human to through a fusion of visual and literary expressions. Inspired by artists, writers, philosophers and visionaries, I feel an affinity with each other. deep with this creative universe, a feeling of belonging to a family of spirits that transcends time and space. My journey, nourished by modest origins and an unwavering passion for art, celebrates perseverance and creativity. which flourish even in modest conditions.

 Today I am honored to share my artistic journey with you. My designs will continue to captivate and inspire, inviting those who discover them to explore. explore the depths of human emotion and explore contemplate the beauty complexity of the world around us. Dali Ka.

Artistic approach

Manifesto for the creation of a new artistic movement: Emotionalism
● Presentation of the concept of emotionalism as a new artistic movement
Axé on reconnection to yourself, to others and to others. understanding our lives in modern civilizations.

Emotionalism as a means of transmission and questioning through emotions…

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