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Artiste Painter

Daniel AUBERT 
alias Dann painter

Dann was an electronics engineer, educator, trainer, manager, and for several years he has devoted himself entirely to his passion "painting".

50 years of painting - 50 years of pleasure

He was born "artistically" after discovering the paintings of the impressionist painter Émile NOIROT (originally from the same region: Roannais).

He worked with the painters Coudour and Maurice Steinbach (some of whose works can be seen in museums in eastern France) … 

Today, his style inspired by the atmospheres of landscapes ranges from geometric impressionism (his paintings of ports for example) to impressionist abstraction…
He sculpts the canvas, mistreats it, strikes it… He works « alla prima » that is to say, he paints in a single session, applying successive touches of paint, wet on wet.

Sometimes the texture to be worked flows. Then a whole ballet of gestures follows in order to channel this material, a source of emotions. He is in the flow, under tension, he suggests, gives an overview of his emotions. His chromatic palette is rich, and his preference is Prussian blue

He has exhibited in contemporary art fairs such as:
Siac Marseille
ART3F Paris, Luxembourg, Haute Savoie
Art Paris, Paris
Salon des indédépendants Paris... 

He works with various galleries:
BAM Toulouse (Artsper)
Galerie 361*
Art4You Paris
Galerie Zen Québec

Artistic approach

My artistic approach, my driving force are colors and atmospheres.

I experiment with all painting techniques and mixes often in my creations including stained glass painting.

I paint on various supports such as linen canvas, wood and plexiglass.

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Dates clés
Beginning of my artistic activity

The artistic work of Dann

Newly added works

Paysages marins