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Dominique Nugues
Caen / France
Artiste Painter
Dominique Nugues

Dominique Nugues, born in 1952 in Caen in Normandy, forged his identity in the heart of this city marked by the after-effects of the landing of June 6, 1944. The destruction of Caen and the many lives lost have left the city devastated. an indelible imprint on his personality. and its view of reality, Caen is  a constitutive element of its identity. artistic.

Éhighé by his paternal grandparents until As a teenager, Dominique Nugues found herself in his grandmother an essential figure in his life. His schooling, initially uneventful and rather good, took a turn during the 4th grade, where he began his studies. he picks up. However, this difficult period only sets the stage for his entry into the world of entertainment.

In 1969, the artistic career of Dominique Nugues began at the Théâtre-École in Caen/Normandy. In 1971, he co-founded the Théâtre des Alephs with Yves Leroy. This artistic and human adventure lasted until 1977, giving birth to around ten shows. The Alephs define themselves as defenders of popular education, a commitment that permeates the career of Dominique Nugues.

In 1978, he participated in the creation of Radio-Normandie in Paris Caen, where it stands out for its productions focused on regional history and interviews. This experience offers him the opportunity to pursue his career. to meet various personalities and ordinary citizens, all sharing a passion for telling stories. À At the request of those elected in 1982, he created Radio-Bessin in 1982. Bayeux in the same vein as Radio-Normandie. Although this experience ended in 1984, it enriched Dominique Nugues' professional background.

Subsequently, Nugues multiplies one-off collaborations with the world of radio, in particular with France Culture, whereù he participates in the program "Des Papuans dans la tête" (Avignon/Paris 1987-1988), and Radio-France with the Grand-Ouest workshop in 1992. His productions, such as "Ballades Normandes en Inde" (1992) and the series on the Allied Landings (1992). in 1944 (1994), demonstrate its diversity. interests and commitment to history.

In 1987, at At the request of Jean-Pierre Laurent, Dominique Nugues returns to the theater for the collective creation "Quel petit vélo", adapted from from the text by Georges Perec. The show, presented à Caen in 1987, enjoyed great success at the Avignon 87/88 festival, then at the Paris Theater.


Artistic approach

The essence of Dominique Nugues’s artistic approach revolves around several fundamental elements, thus creating a rich and singular universe. Its primary inspiration lies in the New Testament, the commentaries and the exegeses which complete it. Artistic translations inscribed in the Christian tradition form the basis of its references, offering spiritual depth to the reader. his work.

Spiritual Expressionism:

Dominique Nugues describes his work as spiritual expressionism, an approach that transcends material limits to give form to life. a deep inner and spiritual vision.

Avant-Garde Techniques:

À At the cutting edge of contemporary means, Dominique Nugues explores a range of innovative artistic techniques. Its creative process integrates computer-assisted graphics, digital coloring and stamping. Electronic classification and certification underline one's mastery of technological tools, giving one a professional background. his work has a modernity striking.

Dissemination and Interaction with the Public:

With a 53-year artistic career, Dominique Nugues favors the dissemination of his work through direct contact with the public. This approach forges the common thread of his career, allowing an authentic connection between the artist and his audience. Proximity to with the spectators gives a human dimension to his work, thus reinforcing the emotional impact of his artistic expression.


Dominique Nugues builds his artistic journey on bases deeply anchored in spirituality. Christian, while resolutely embracing contemporary technological advances. His spiritual expressionism and direct engagement with the audience give his work has an authenticity and relevance that transcends the boundaries of time.

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Unexpected discovery of my taste for representation and graphic narration

The artistic work of Dominique Nugues

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