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Paris 15 / France
Artiste Painter

I am Dounita, a self-taught artist for over 20 years. My artistic journey truly began after studying in France, during which time I worked as a consultant in setting up digital projects for companies. Today, I devote myself entirely to my art.

For me, art is a way to explore and capture the transparency of the human soul, the strength of love, and the beauty that lies in every imperfection. I like to experiment with different techniques such as oil painting. oil, collage of materials or even the use of the brush. Each creation is an invitation to see beyond appearances, to linger on the details that reveal the hidden beauty of each subject.

Artistic approach

My work is deeply inspired by women, a symbol of strength, vulnerability and beauty. My works combine street art with representations of naked or partially undressed women, with the intention of paying homage to femininity in all its splendor. For me, the nude embodies purity, transparency and honesty of the soul, while street art allows for a more raw and immediate expression, often accompanied by texts that amplify the impact of my message.

Love is the common thread of my artistic inspiration. It manifests itself in all its forms and colors, and constitutes the vibrant heart of my creations. I firmly believe that "love is the key that will save humanity; it is the bond that unites individuals. When we love, we transcend our differences and connect on a deeper level."

I draw my inspiration from the provocative energy of Banksy, the resilient strength of Frida Kahlo, and the creative audacity of Raphaël Laventure. These artists taught me to push the boundaries of artistic expression and to always seek to touch the soul of those who contemplate my works.

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