Discover the contemporary work of Elisabeth Coupin

Companion of Gérard Rémigereau, Elisabeth Coupin discovered with him light, color and matter. Today she has become a true painter, alchemist, gesture and symbolism. She shares her spiritual research with us:
The soul acts, the magic. We leave it the action, the non-action. The movement extends freely in the moment the painter then discovers the alchemical work being realized in front of her, first spectator of its colors, its forms, this light. This light which acts by magic according to an order which does not come from her but which crosses her, from chaos, from space. the being has fun and plays. Just be silent and understand then how the universe in her delights, incarnates itself. The matter becomes light, the line builds then frees itself. the colors assert themselves then intertwine giving a magma Blurred at first then powerful. The being comes then leaves a jet of spontaneity crosses it with a contracted power, it can finally reintegrate in all simplicity the body which crosses eternity. Thanks to Gérard Rémigereau who accompanied it towards this artistic expression of all freedom.
Rediscover the innocence of the child, forget the judgment of the adult. Discover spontaneity, freedom. The sensuality of pure gesture without constraint. Play and enjoy with matter and light.
Light up the heart