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Lucé / France
Artiste Painter

Passionate about painting since I was very young, I am attracted to trompe-l'oeil, as well as to surrealist and symbolic movements.

Following a rather atypical career, very far from the art world: 10 years as a Peugeot agent, then 8 years at the head of a tobacco bar... I enrolled in 2016 in a trompe l'oeil training course in Versailles at the Jean Sablé School and obtained my diploma as a decorative painter in 2017.

After my first renaissance decorations on walls full of history, more contemporary creations, and the creation of my easel canvases, I opened a decorative painting and interior decoration showroom for 3 and a half years.

Qualified as an artisan d'Art in 2019, the construction sites and paintings follow one another as well as my participation in many exhibitions in my region.

Other exhibitions are planned outside my department and I still produce my creations in my workshop in Lucé.

Artistic approach

My paintings, made with acrylic, are the result of the know-how of trompe l'oeil techniques.

Each of the paintings that I create is the result of a deep and meditative artistic exploration, a unique combination of figurative surrealism, mixing symbolism and trompe l'oeil.

I am inspired by landscapes, settings, everyday objects and I take great joy in conveying the messages of my story by adapting reality to my imagination.

 My artistic approach aims to transport the viewer into a world where the boundaries between reality and imagination blur, and where dreams defy logic.

Dreams that I transcribe on the canvas …sometimes much more explicit than words.

I release my creative potential in what the eye does not see every day.

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Dates clés
Decorative painter diploma

The artistic work of Enartborescence

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