Discover the contemporary work of Farbenspielenart / Tom
Born on September 29, 1962 in Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Tom from FarbenspielArt discovered his way to art at an early age. As an autodidact, he has tirelessly explored techniques and forms of expression since his youth, which today make him a versatile artist. His artistic journey began with sketches and drawings, a creative passion that he later deepened in acrylic painting. The attention to detail and the craftsmanship that he brought to acrylic painting testify to a special talent and a keen feeling for colors and shapes.
After a phase in which he had to put his creativity on hold due to difficult life circumstances, Tom found his way back to art through a happy coincidence. He enthusiastically returned to his old work and began to explore new techniques. Oil painting became his new passion. His works combine various materials such as filler, structural pastes and color pigments and
unfold a unique world of color on canvases and wooden panels.
Tom's creative process is intuitive and spontaneous. A concrete plan rarely emerges, but rather the composition of the picture emerges during the painting itself - a lively dialogue between feeling and color. This results in works that are mostly colorful and often cheerful, but occasionally also have a serious background and always have a special charisma.
An exciting project is now giving his artistic work a new stage: Together with his partner, Tom is currently converting a barn into a studio, a place that is intended to promote and inspire his creative work. His works will soon be created here and made accessible to other people. Until then, his pictures are available directly from him or his website - an invitation to get to know his colorful art world and be inspired by its liveliness.
The transformation of colors into energy.
The changes in society over time are often reflected in art. Cultural and social messages are often incorporated into the works. They are the means of expressing aesthetic joy and have the ability to create a new space for inspiration, experience and beauty in the eye of the beholder. They reflect the joy, creativity, emotions and different perspectives of me. Art is not fleeting, at most a view of the different tastes and emotions of the beholder. My art creates a certain dynamic in the spontaneous works, whose personality has a contrasting color design. The fusion of colors is like an explosion of emotions, which of course always follows a certain intention. Colors are a pure joy of life and take away the ability of the daily grind to transform into negative energy.