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Felipe Alarcón Echenique
Madrid / Spain
Artiste Painter
Felipe Alarcón Echenique


Contemporary artist


e-mail: aechenique2003@yahoo.com

web: www.f-alarconart.com




Painter, Engraver, Draftsman and writer.

Born in Havana, 1966

Graduated from the San Alejandro Art Academy, 1986

Member of the Association of Painters and Sculptors of Madrid.


Main Individual Exhibitions


2023   -Picasso, mestizo. Obra Pía de los Pizarro Foundation, Barrantes Palace

            Cervantes. Trujillo (Cáceres), Spain

           -The works of Persiles and Sigismunda. Art Libris. ARCO, Madrid (Spain)

           -Art for Peace. Traveling exhibition, by locations in Extremadura

            (Spain): Casa de Cultara de Alange, Popular University of Olivenza.          

2022   -Art for Peace. Traveling exhibition, by locations in Extremadura

            (Spain): Valdelacalzada House of Culture, EASD Mérida, Educarex.

2021   Synergies. Silo de Hortaleza, Madrid (Spain)

           Presentation of the book: 'Quijote de ensu', Birthplace of Cervantes,  

          Alcalá de Henares, Madrid (Spain)

           Galactic microworlds. Lisbrosarte Gallery, Madrid (Spain)

           Visions of El Persiles. Captaloona Art, Madrid (Spain)

2020   Blindness. Cultural Center from Sanchinarro, Madrid (Spain)

2018   Mestizo Galería Poparte de Madrid.

           Cervantes Recreations Cervantes Institute of Lyon.

2017   Cervantes and Visions of Persiles. 'XIII International Colloquium of

          Cervantists. House of Medrano. Argamasilla de Alba, Ciudad Real (Spain) 

          Visions of Persiles. Room 'La Tercia' Mota del Cuervo, Cuenca (Spain)

          Family Photo, NEC Cultural Center. Sant Etienne (France).

          Guernica, the indomitable beast. Philippe Durant Gallery. Sant Etienne. (France) 

2016   ADN Cervantes (Traveling Exhibition), Philosophy and History University (Madrid).

           Family Photo, Municipal Library. Ávila (Spain)

          DNA Cervantes (Traveling exhibition). Cervantes House Museum.

           Esquivias, Toledo (Spain).

           DNA Cervantes (Traveling exhibition). Institute of Modern Letters,

           Uex. Cáceres (Spain).

           Monotypes and Mills. The Third Mota del Cuervo, Cuenca (Spain)

           Cervantes and music. The Ermitilla. Quintanar de la Orden, Toledo


           DNA Cervantes (Traveling Exhibition). Sanchinarro Cultural Center. 

            Madrid (Spain)

           Work and Duality. Allfredo Kraus Cultural Center, Madrid (Spain)

Main Awards


2023    -Second Prize for Bibliophilia (The works of Persiles and Sigismunda).

              Summa Editorial. Ministry of Culture, Education and Sports. (Spain)

2020   -First Prize from the Lázaro Galdiano Foundation, genre Bibliophilia, Book

             Leonardo Da Vinci Architect of the Universe. Navarra (Spain)

            -Honorable Mention. Virtual Ibero-American Artists Exhibition.

              Holguín (Cuba).

            -Second Prize for Biblophilia (Book Leonardo Da Vinci, Architect of the

             Universe). Millennium Liber Publishing. Ministry of Culture, Education and

             Sport. (Spain)

2021   Leonardo Da Vinci Architect of the Universe. Navarra (Spain)

            Honorable Mention. Virtual Ibero-American Artists Exhibition.

             Holguín (Cuba).

            Second Prize for Biblophilia (Book Leonardo Da Vinci, Architect of the

             Universe). Millennium Liber Publishing. Ministry of Culture, Education and

             Sport. (Spain)-

2019    Third Prize for Bibliophilia (Book by artist ADN Cervantes). Editorial    

               Millennium Liber. Ministry of Culture, Education and Sports (Spain)

2017   'Special Recognition' Distinction awarded by the Cuban Association

             in Albacete (Spain).

             Molinero Universal 2017. Association of 'Friends of the Mills'.


              Cuervo (Spain).

2016    'Man of La Mancha, 2016'. Cervantino CXXI Center. Quintanar of the

              Orden, Toledo (Spain).

             Critics Award, C'ART 2016. Venice (Italy).

             First Honorable Mention, IV Microformat Biennial of the Aires de Córdoba Association. Córdoba (Spain).

Artistic approach

« I try to capture the contemporary chaos, the past, present and future of various events within a two-dimensional plane, giving it a superposition of figures and images of different hierarchical order. »< /blockquote>

Felipe Alarcón is an award-winning painter, draftsman and printmaker whose works have been exhibited in Costa Rica, Spain, Peru, Germany, France, the United States and Italy. His artistic process is nourished by the 'chronicles of the day to day'. Alarcón is interested in reflecting the chaos of modern life and representing different universes through microworlds to create parallelism.  His figurative compositions are made using mixed techniques and recycled materials.

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Dates clés
It begins in Havana (Cuba)

The artistic work of Felipe Alarcón Echenique

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