Discover the contemporary work of Gabriel POP

Born in 1983, I began artistic studies in high school, specializing in easel painting. Then, I pursued my passion for the visual arts with studies at the Beaux-Arts, and a Doctorate at the Sorbonne 1 University. I have had several solo and group exhibitions, and obtained various awards. During my student years, I worked on a series of self-portraits entitled: Marionettes. I am attracted to ephemeral nature.
Gabriel POP's paintings deal with ephemeral nature, through the colors and contrasts of tree leaves. The movement of tree leaves fascinates and hypnotizes him and at the same time soothes him and leads me to ask existential, philosophical questions. The silent element-the repetitive movement-the elements of the whole -the living organism-the semi-transparency of the leaves in the light -the chromatic effect created related to the sky according to the grade of light propagated - ephemeral contrasts that he discovers with childish enthusiasm and that he tries to immortalize through an intimate filter that radiates a spectacle.