Discover the contemporary work of GilDaph
write & draw why?
Here you go in a few words the birth of my writing. Or, should I say, rebirth!
My desire to write was in me from a very young age and that of a young father.
Hidden for a number of years, it resurfaced in my new retired life.
A word, an idea written on a white sheet of paper is enough to make it shine. A first short story type “new” type, then the desire to tell literary images in a different way. through very short texts, which I ended up calling poetry.
It is thus, from verse to verse and from stanza to stanza, that my poems have succeeded one another. to give birth to my first story, then a second and a third that I submitted to the author. Hello Éeditions.
What can I tell you about my texts, that they are sad in appearance & joyful, but always colorful. The pleasure of writing and reading remains the same whatever the content of the stories told. The goal is to take the reader on a path of reverie and to make them feel emotions.
I offer you dreamlike walks with my stories, which I hope will trigger beautiful emotions in you, dear readers.
Prove to people that writing and photography are not arts reserved for professionals. only one category of people whatsoever.
dare will be my key word.