Discover the contemporary work of André GILLOUAYE

Realist painter since 1987. Oil, watercolor, dry pastel. Student of Emile Daubé 1960 - 1961 until his death; then Jean Leroux. Many regional, national, and international exhibitions. (France, New York, Washington, Prague, Florence Italy) Many personal exhibitions. Also works on commission. (fresco or painting for example) awards: . bronze medal 1987 Saint Quay Portrieux . bronze medal International Academy of Lutece Paris 1988 . silver medal High Artistic and Literary Academy of France Nogent sur Oise 1989. . prize of excellence \" Art Inter \" the Lords of Art at: Marseille 1990 Aix en Provence 1991 Arles 1991 . finalist \"42nd International Grand Prix of painting of Deauville \" René Borel Prize 1991 . grand finalist \" 27th International Grand Prix of the Côte d'Azur \"at Cannes 1991 . Silver medal: International Arts and Letters Festival Pléneuf Val André 2009 . Academician - correspondent, at the International Academy \" GRECI - MARINO \" 2010 (Italy) . City of Pléneuf Val André Prize - International Arts and Letters Festival 2010 . Silver Medal International Arts and Letters Fair 2011 Pléneuf Val André . Silver Medal International Arts and Letters Fair 2012 Pléneuf Val André . Diploma of Merit, International Jean Simeon Chardin Fair Florence Italy November 2012 . Gold Medal International Arts and Letters Fair 2013 Pléneuf Val André - Bronze Medal International Arts and Letters Fair 2014 Pléneuf Val André - City of Pléneuf Val André Prize SIAL 2015 - Medal of the Il Marzocco International Academy (Florence) at the Grand Prix: < Peace Progress Humanity > April 2015 - Arts Prize. < La fiamma dell Arte > Accademia Internationale gentilizia Il Marzocco. Florence Italy June 2016. - Participation in < Emozione e Regione nell\'Arte Contemporanea > 8 - 15 Dec 17 Florence Italy - personal exhibition galleria Centro Storico Firenze Italy from December 16 to 30, 2018 - Group exhibition International Firenze - Italy - March 2020 Linea - forma - color. Diploma of merit and trophy - Premio " Il pictore dell'anno " Firenze July 2021 - Diploma of merit and trophy awarded <Excellenze Artistiche> Firenze May 29, 2022 - "luce nel mondo" Marina di Massa Dec 2023 Italy - Menzione di Merito (4th prize) LE ALI International competition Marina di Massa Italy - June 2024
< I paint what I see > I don't rack my brain trying to imagine or invent something. I just reproduce nature as faithfully as possible with my means and respecting it. I often say: if there had not been these Masters in past centuries, we would not even know how people lived in those times.
The artistic work of André GILLOUAYE
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