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Vaux-sur-Vienne / France
Artiste Painter

Why Ginka? Because Ginkgo, Ginkgo biloba, survivor of Hiroshima, it is a symbol of resilience, wisdom, strength and peace.

I was 18 years old when I first met a Ginkgo biloba.

It was in Dijon, in the Arquebuse garden, at the time I was drawing a lot and I was pursuing studies that led me to my first professional life, trainer in Biology-Ecology.

For more than 2 decades, I often left pencils but not creation. I explored other means of expression, wax painting, clay modeling and, a few years ago, I returned to drawing.

Very quickly, the Ginkgo leaf imposed itself on me.

First with a pen, then with ink then, and I discovered pastels.

While pastels were taking up more and more space in my personal life, a work accident in 2022 paved the way for my reconversion.

I am Ginka, a self-taught painter, pastellist and mixed media, passionate about nature. At the heart of my artistic approach is my desire to share my view of the world. Through my exhibition "In the eyes of my father", I paid tribute to my dad, who passed away on February 20, 2023, who passed on to me his passion for art and his immense love for nature. Thanks to him, I can draw on an infinite source of inspiration.




Artistic approach

Looking for beauty in every nook and cranny and trying to capture it

 My art is nourished by my capacity for wonder as much as by my ecological sensitivity. As an attempt to capture the beauty of nature to invite spectators to contemplation, reflection and respect. Each painting is an expression of my deep desire to provoke “the agitated soul”. And each creation constitutes a new challenge, an attempt to restore the light of a landscape, life in an animal portrait or to give free rein to my imagination to share my wonders, sometimes my fears and above all, to transmit an emotion with, in the background, the urgency to preserve the fragile beauty of our planet.

My style is constantly evolving, influenced by my experiences and discoveries. Pastels, with their velvety texture and subtle nuances, become the means to express the softness of the petals of a flower, the complexity of an iris or the delicacy of a bird's feather. My meticulous approach to with regard to details captures the very essence of each subject, creating paintings imbued with authenticity and realism. Indian ink, with its fluidity and dynamism, sometimes makes its way into my creations to bring a contrasting dimension. The clean and precise lines of the ink highlight the contours and add additional energy to my compositions. It is a subtle play between the delicacy of pastels and the graphic strength of ink, where each element finds its place in a visual harmony. More recently, watercolor has come to mingle with this artistic dance, bringing transparencies and delicate nuances. The fluid colors of watercolor blend with pastels to create luminous and evocative atmospheres, transporting the viewer to timeless and enchanting landscapes.

Dates clés
exhibition In my father's eyes

The artistic work of Ginka

Newly added works

Collection From one breath to another