Discover the contemporary work of Gabriel HERMIDA

Born 1978 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Gabriel Hermida is self-taught. Over the years, Gabriel has developed a tecnique and style based on his admiration for the Old Masters, such as Velazquez, Bouguereau, Sargent, etc. So that, by studying them, he was able to understand and discover those concepts and artistic resources that enrich and contribute to raise the interest of an artwork. Gabriel has always felt a special attraction for Wildlife above other traditional themes. It was at the age of twenty-one, when he began to exhibit his early paintings in a renowned art gallery in Buenos Aires he became a full-time artist. Gabriel painted with acrylics for several years, but found he was able to attain the best results with oils by exploiting its properties. In every one of his paintings, we can appreciate the effort and refined mastery that allow him to reflect the essence and grace of the animal world. His particular style has been evolving continually up to the present. Actually, we can see clearly a perfect combination of the refined representation of the animal and the rendering of the environment, which is more simplified, though contributing with the essential elements to provide an perfect composition. A great variety of traditional painting skills are exhibited, revealing an absolut control of light, space, colour, volume, etc. Undoubtedly, one of the main accomplishments in Gabriel’s art is his skill for portraying big cats. It is here that his fascination for these creatures is most evident. He is able to generate a subtle connection between the viewer and the animal, whose expression allow us to perceive a kind of mysterious affinity with human feelings. Commenting on his work, Gabriel says “My passion for painting increases with the admiration for the animal world. I strive to represent the animals as the magnificent and delicate treasures that mother nature gave us, but at the same time, we must appreciate and protect these beatiful creatures as well as their habitat”. Publications: Wildscape (2008)see link above Wildscape Personal article. - Published by: Darwin Publishing The Buenos Aires Herald (2005) - Organization Membership: 2005 - Artists for Conservation -AFC
The artistic work of Gabriel HERMIDA
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Art animalier