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Imaginario Ocasional
Cáceres / Spain
Artiste Photographer
Imaginario Ocasional

Often, as soon as it dawns, I go in search of you, my camera is directed towards you, in one way or another it admires you. You are like a majestic figure that emerges from my dreams, from your dreams, displaying your essence to the world. From behind my lens, I treasure those fleeting moments in which you become the protagonist of my visual universe. 

You advance with determination towards the corner, you cross a street without looking, without noticing my presence hidden behind the lens. In each of your steps, I feel how my heart trembles, although you don't know. You don't know that, through the lenses of my camera, I capture images that tell stories inspired by you. 

Although our lives only intertwine in the world of contemplation, the mere idea of witnessing your experiences completes me. Through my photographs, I build landscapes that border on the ethereal and portraits that reveal your deepest secrets. I immerse myself in the lights and shadows of laughter or tears, seeking to reflect the brilliance of your essence. Images of winter mornings or summer afternoons unfold in my mind, where you and I find ourselves in each frame, captured in the warm embrace of a fleeting moment. 

You You are the light that guides my images, the reason that illuminates my days. However, I remain in the shadows, hidden behind the viewfinder of my camera. My lens continues to focus, and each shot represents a fragment of my soul that seeks your gaze, longs to capture the perfect essence at your side. 

In the refuge of framing, composition and editing, I pay tribute to you in each image, I make you immortal in my photographs. In each dawn, when the light unfolds and transforms the world into a palette of colors, you are my guide, my deepest inspiration. Even if our lives only intersect in the frozen moment of a photograph, I know that our souls are found in the eternity of each image, where emotions and feelings are perhaps captured. forever.

Artistic approach

Inhabiting oblivion is a task that I undertake every time I take my camera and immerse myself in the world of photography. I enter an unknown territory, a space where time stops and the past becomes present through the images I capture.

In each photograph there lives a portion of oblivion, of memory that refuses to fade. My camera is my tool to rescue those moments, to preserve them and give them a new life in the universe that light offers us.

But this world I have created, inhabited by moments captured through glass, also condemns me to live in an eternal present of memories. Photography allows me to inhabit oblivion, but it also forces me to live with it.

Each image is a testimony of what was and is no longer, a reminder that everything we have is ephemeral and is in danger. destined to fade away. In my work as a photographer, I have realized that life itself is a constant process of forgetting, of leaving behind what no longer serves us and opening space for the new.

Inhabiting oblivion is a paradox, a constant struggle between the need to preserve and the reality of change. But in this paradox I find the beauty of life, the possibility of creating something lasting through the ephemeral.

Every photograph I capture is an invitation to inhabit oblivion, to explore the limits of memory and to find beauty in what is no longer. And in this universe of images I find my home, a place where oblivion and memory merge into a single reality.

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