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Inés Gran
Zaragoza / Spain
Artiste Painter
Inés Gran

Graduated in Plastic Arts and Design “School of Applied Arts of Zaragoza” in 1989.

She has several master's degrees in graphic design, a profession in which she has been practicing for 25 years and has worked for 6 years as a photographer. His specialty is posters of institutional images.

He has participated in group exhibitions of graphic design and plastic arts. She combines her graphic design career with her activity as a visual artist. It was selected as the winner with the visual image for the ECOZINE 2010 Festival.

His professional objective is to raise awareness about ecological destruction through the combination of different artistic disciplines; photography, painting and exhibition montages.

Artistic approach

Abstract expressionism lets the unconscious flow with gestural brushstrokes (brushstrokes that act as a transmission belt between the artist's feelings and the pictorial support), throwing or letting the paint slide over the canvas, creating areas of color, which transmit and generate emotional experiences, “mystical” moments. I give free rein to my inner energy so that the work emerges like a current of air, not modulated by thought, but at the mercy of natural forces. The only elements of my abstract work consist of the use of textures and colors. The attraction to touch is inspired by nature, its beauty, emotions and evocations.

Nothing more inspiring than the immensity of the sky, the water and the textures of nature. In this way I try to represent the primordial life that surrounds us everywhere, using vibrant colors and impulsive brushstrokes, which reveal the beauty of imperfection and the imperfection of beauty. It is not a trip to a magical place, but the magical face of our places.

My work is a visual blog of the world around us. I am not interested in replicating nature in its details, but only the messages that I have been able to interpret from nature. I am attracted to its extension, its color and its touch. All those manifestations that make us feel like their children, their little children. My painting meanders between abstraction and concreteness. He takes the motifs from this one (stone, water, light and life), from that the palette, the gesture and the brushstroke. This contrast between form and essence involves the viewer as a necessary interpreter.

But I have to confess that when I paint I don't try to please the viewer. I tend to forget that, in the end, there will be a spectator in whom art must fulfill its mission: reinvent itself. On the contrary, my emotions circulate like small whirlwinds within my studio. From the impulse of my hand to the brushes, from the brushes to the canvas, from the canvas to the image and from the image to a new impulse. So until an unforeseen moment when the last image does not awaken a new impulse but a feeling of well-being, of full identification with the work, of having understood nature. I've finished it, I think then. There are no rules, there is no planning. The work begins to be painted when she calls me to the brushes, and ends when she tells me: This is what I wanted to be.

With my project “Huella” I want to offer a space without coordinates where the public can feel and touch my paintings. My creative self-absorption will only be redeemed if it is reinvented in the viewer, allowing them to dream, escape, marvel, breathe, stop and feel.

I work with painting in large formats and try to break with the traditional concept of framed painting. The works are abstract but the allusions to nature are as concrete as they are inevitable. With superimposed layers of paint, the work approaches the viewer, becomes more tangible and attracts them to a colorful and dynamic world that hovers between the subtle and the representative.

The pictorial ensemble of the exhibition forms a changing landscape, so that each work contributes to the connection with the viewer both through its individual expression and, above all, as an element of the global discourse of the exhibition. set.


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Dates clés
2023 “FOOTPRINT”. GOYA PLASTIC Artists Association. Zaragoza City Council. From Nov 18 to Dec 18.

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