Discover the contemporary work of ADRIENNE JALBERT

Born in Philadelphia; lives and works in Paris and NormandyLaureate 2005 Academie des Beaux-Arts, Institut de France Musées,Collections,Commandes Museum of Fine Arts, Malta - Alcatel World Headquarters, Paris - Sun Electronics Corporation, Nagoya - Taisan Industrial Co.Tokyo - Kenwood - Coll.Goodwin - Hotel Hokkaïdo - EDA, European Design Alliance - Coll.Ph.Luyt - R.N.B. Place Vendôme, Paris - UNY Co, Ltd - Coll.Chiba - Fujita Group - BMC, France - Italian Graffiti - Coll.Huhn - National Museum of Archeology, Malta - NHK - Coll.Kirmser,Bouffémont - France 2 - National Academy of Art, New Delhi - Ministry of Culture,Jaïpur - ISO, Brasilia - ParisNetWork - A.R.T.E.Charpentier - C. La Prod,Paris - Coll.Gicquel - Philippe Deshoulières, Porcelaine de Limoges - Coll.Bernard-Dunckel,NY - Coll.Tardrew, Mandelieu - Alcatel,Velizy - Coll.Richard,Paris - Fondation Nationale des Arts Graphiques et Plastiques- Coll.Casablancas,Paris- Coll.Larock,Paris - Coll.Bardin, Paris - PT HOLDING, Plc, Plovdiv - Coll.Thevenin, Parishttp://www.vimeo.com/12456360http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bgTRMBUKso New Exhibitions 2010Galerie Acabas, 7 Bvd. des Filles du Calvaire,Paris 3, Dec.2010Galerie Images de Fer, rue du Seine,Paris, 3 August-12 SeptemberGalerie Saphir-Dinard (Brittany), July thro' SeptCastle, Maribor, Slovenia, Aug-SeptVillage Royal, Paris 8e "Sphères célestes sur vert terrestre" 25, rue Royale, Paris / Exhibition from June 3 thro' June 26Lenart, Slovenia - City Hall, Mar-April Exhibitions 2009 Galerija DLUM, Maribor, Slovenija 16 Sept to 4 OctHotel de Ville, Lenart, Slovenia 7 oct - 30 octCelestial Spheres on the façade of the church of the Madeleine, Paris 18 June thro' 29 Aug.Exposition at the French Chess Competitions, les Arènes, Nîmes 10-22 Aug.Sculptures - Galerie Saphir, Dinard (Brittany) - thro' summer 2008Villers d'Art Sculptures: Parc et Château de Graffigny, (Nancy) summer Plovdiv (Bulgaria) Galerie ArtPlus, 37 Nestor AQbadzhiev Str. 10-24 sept paintings and sculptures Paris: Galerie Mode-Art sculpturesBrittany: Galerie Saphir, Dinard sculptures and paintings Clips from press reviews and booksAdrienne Jalbert paints life bursting forth. From her canvases, tapestry fields, take flight tenderness and sunlit colours which the artist offers generously - intense, interlaced, bewitched or appeased - the lines fusing with talent. A great personality in this work to be seen. LE FIGARO Internationally-known by a multitude of works in prestigious galleries and institutions around the world...in full phase of her SPHERES, Adrienne Jalbert elaborates elements and materials that appear to be very heavy, but which flow in space...The spheres of Adrienne Jalbert, of very varied diameters, in wires of bronze, brass, enamelled copper, painted iron are found in diverse places - gardens, streets, connected to monuments such as her installation of spheres on the facade of the Church of the Madeleine in the heart of Paris...The form incarnates the matter and proclaims ek-estasis in a profound engagement with its surroundings...The spheres install to vow, glorify and consecrate the world, creating a spaciality, integrating their environments...inhabiting the world. They are clearly epoquales... marvelous 'creatures'.NEIDE MARCONDES São Paulo, Brazil 2009Professor UNESP, São Paulo/ International Art critic (member AICA)"Sculptors of Metal" Editions SomogyThe artist leads a real combat, opposing her own physical force to those liberated by the material she wishes to constrain. In an intense effort, arms, elbows and legs immobilising the metal to progressively form each layer surrounding the inner core, and preventing the material from escaping the artist's dersired form.From the nucleus to the peripherial layers, each held in suspension to the precendent, she multiplies the layers of different densities while assuring the resistance, cohesion and sphericity through the entire process.Adrienne Jalbert plays upon a large choice of metals for a wide range of colours...works on the transparence and scintillation through the various strates of heterogenous matters ... at the price of very meticulous work, all the ends joining wires fixed inward ... the sphere can then be voluptuously caressed on all its surface ... the "Sphere of Prosperity", 1M30 diameter, descended the Champs Elysées ... The concert of sounds produced by the mobile medallions within the sphere in movement added the magic of the celestial object.extract from book "Les Sculpteurs de Métal", D.Dalemont, Ed.SOMOGY 2006SPHERES ADRIENNE JALBERT Being round - that notoriously "perfect" shape, spheres are indiginously harmonious entities. They fit in everywhere and integrate the spaces and elements of their "surroundings". Standing or suspended, they also evoke freedom of movement, mystery, and a bit of magic.I first created a sphere for a public garden. Seeking to make a sculpture to which everyone could relate, and a piece which would naturally share the environment with the magnificent nature of the park, a sphere seemed a logical choice.From that moment, I became intrigued by the challenge of making rough, brute materials - not intended for roundness nor tactile attraction - comply to my desired form. Gradually, I experimented with various metallic wires to harness the basic ball-structure made of various fencing and cage materials. These wires need to be strong to exert their force in the play of tension/counter-tension necessary to make round, a surface destined to be flat. The wires also needed to bring beauty to the sphere, and eventually I worked with all types of metal wires and bars. Basically, iron, bronze, brass, copper, stainless steel, aluminum, but also enameled copper, silver and gold. The iron wire is pigmented, painted, or lacquered. To coerce lengths of wire into a perfect sphere presents an interesting challenge. To allow transparency thro' the layers of curving wire is even more so.The more transparency in the sphere, the more difficult it is to confirm the solidity/stability of its roundness. However, the play of light on and within the sphere is joyous and magical.It is interesting to note the difference between ball and sphere. A sphere, like a ball is round, but unlike a ball whose surface is a solid, closed mass, the sphere is confirms the surface. It is a structure of circles. The sphere - pi 3 R 4 - is the structure maintaining the interior volume/ball. The spheric forms within my spheres are held in central suspension, creating sphere withinin sphere in sphere...... Recently, watching a harpist play in an orchestra, I remembered that as a little girl I wanted to study the harp. My mother, a very accomplished pianist, flatly refused the idea of my traipsing a musical mamouth everywhere. Pianos are far more omnipresent than harps! We may note, however, that the harps within the pianos are often hidden. Their wires are like the unconscious mind of the piano? Obviously, the "wires" of those instruments have resurfaced to my conscious mind in a new form! So, coming full-circle, my latest sphères include this precious yet very stong wire. Although terribly resistant to my forceful bendings, it is now to be found in the circulars of my new sphères along with the iron, bronze, copper, silver and other wires. Adrienne Jalbert Paris 2010 Adrienne Jalbert SpheresAdrienne Jalbert has taken metallic wires and given them a new life.She has created circles until she has the perfect sphere. Spheres light enough to float to the heavens Spheres dense enough to fall to earth Spheres that capture the quiet of the night Spheres that capture the energy of the dayOnly an artist with Adrienne's passion and skill would be brave enough to restructure our world!Patricia L.Frasier, MA 2010 NJ, USAThere is sunshine in Adrienne Jalbert’s face as she moves like an elf with golden hair… There is joyous freedom in her movement as there is in her paintings… I sense in Adrienne, as in her work, a stillness circled by an exuberance that has a life of its own.Anees Jung, THE TIMES OF INDIA The chromatic ranges which Adrienne Jalbert uses seem, in certain canvases, to be lit by the sounding of cymbals, yellows bursting with gold leaf…These free and brillant calligraphies are placed with an astonishing élégance, resonating sil ver and gold… Like the ancient masters, Adrienne Jalbert accords a prépondérant importance to perfection of détail which brings to her work an exalting présence. Marc Gaillard, L’ŒIL The sculptures of Jalbert, posed or in free suspension, generate an intriging relationship with the surrounding espace… Rare créations that touch our imagination…E.Fiorentino, THE MALTA SUNDAY TIMESIn echo...of Empedocles to contemporary scientific cosmology, this ball of energy moulded by Adrienne Jalbert is a superb artistic metaphor, at once compact and flowing, metallic and vibrating, of our immense Universe in expansion...Adrienne Jalbert renders the Cosmos perceptible and tangible to us...DAMASCIUS, collectionner, writer/essayist of contemporary artThe versatile French-American artist AdrienneJalbert...is best known to the public for her sculptures in the form of spheres that she creates out of interlaced metal wires, polychromatically blended with various varnishes, enamels,piments, and very varied wires - bronze,copper, silver,pewter,brass..intended for either interior or exterior spaces as free-standing or hanging installations...In Paris, her monumental Sphere of Prosperity opened the parade for the Year of China on the Champs Elysées. These translucent, apparently fragile, globular sculptures appear as interwoven wires, connections with the universe to which the artist imparts symbolic titles...allusions to emotions, spirituality, transcendance, or geological or biological phenomena.MARIO BERDIC, curator/art critic Slovenia 2009 It was a great pleasure to see the works of Adrienne Jalbert, both paintings and sculptures.She seems to capture her lively personality in a splash of vivid colours. Original and imaginative.Ambassador C.V.RANGANATHAN of INDIA Adrienne has taken metallic wires and given them a new life.She has created circles wiithin circles until she has theperfect sphere.Spheres light enough to float to the heavensSpheres dense enough to fall to earthSpheres that capture the quiet of the nightSpheres that capture the energy of the dayOnly an artist with Adrienne's passion and skill would be brave enough to restructure our world!Patricia L.Frasier,MA, New Jersey 2010
POURQUOI LES SPHÈRES - la sphère est la fameuse forme parfaite, idéale pour une sculpture destinée à l'emplacement dans un parc public. Un défi si on chosit des matières qui ne conviennt pas spécialement à la tâche. Dès le début, je pensais au beau résultat de cette forme permettant transparence et jeux de lumières. Pour les transparences, je débute travaillant sur les espaces vides. Les couches de fils formant une sphère intérieure doivent être fixées de façon à soutenir des couches supérieures formant l'extérieur. Les couches intérieures sont en suspension pour que leurs poids ne déforment pas la parfaite rondeur pour les couches suivantes qui forment la sphère. L'usage de fils de différents métaux ajoute des couleurs, la brillance et la beauté de transparences et jeux de lumières magiques. Ainsi, je travaille avec les fils de bronze, fer, cuivre, laiton, inox, aluminium, cuivre émaillé et aussi avec de l'or et l''argent. Sphère : π2 R4 - configuration de cercles créant une forme ronde - (π du περ?μετρος - constante du cercle) Boule : π2 R3 - forme ronde à surface plane, pleine (comme un ballon de foot) Ainsi, cette forme ronde et sphérique que j’appelle une Sphère, est faite de lignes courbées, de cercles. Dans certains endroits, aux croisements et intersections, des lignes droites formant d'autres géométries — carrés, pyramides ou octaèdres — qui sont donc, intégrées dans la géométrie ronde.
The artistic work of ADRIENNE JALBERT
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