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Les sables d'olonne / France

Born in 1970, to Mamers ( 72 ), Jean-Pascal Duboil learns about the techniques of the drawing then the watercolor with his father, Jean-Claude Duboil to Nogent-le-Rotrou. From the age of 11 years, he participates in the lounge(show) of the Leopards of Deauville, in the category Drawing where he will obtain the 4th Price. In 1982, he obtains the Diploma of honor of the city of Le Mans for his watercolors exposed(explained) to the 6th National Lounge(Show) of Plastic arts of Maine.In 1983, he(it) receives a special prize of the city of Tréguier as well as a mention(distinction) of the jury for her work "Low tide".In 1993, he participates with his father in the lounge(show) of the city of The Magnifying glass ( 28 ) .Il between as journalist in the writing(editorial staff) of Ouest-France of Châteaubriant in 1998. At the same time, he organizes with his father, the first common exhibition(exposure), as the "Victor Hugo" to Châteaubriant ( 44 ).Exhibition(Exposure) in stores Cadr' Arts in Ille-et-Vilaine, in the Calvados and in La Manche.In April, 1999, he participates in an exhibition(exposure) on the heritage(holdings) of Châteaubriant. Creation of a watercolor for the World champion of French billiards(billiard table), Francis Connesson. Exhibition(Exposure) perms to St-Pôl-de-Léon in the store The Blue shutters(sectors).Exhibition(Exposure) perms in 2000 to the restaurant The Delights in Sables d'Olonne. Sale of several works for the foreigner(foreign countries) (Mexico, Germany, England, Japan).In October, 2000, Guest of Honor of the cultural weeks of Wolkersdorf (Kulturtage on 2000) in Germany.Realization of cards(maps) of art (channel, departure, in the wide) and posts(shows) stamped official label of Vendée Globe 2000-2001, approved by Philippe Jeantot. Creation of a watercolor " Cathedral of Chartres " offered to Alain Juppé, mayor of Bordeaux, by the Municipality of Chartres.Participation in the year of the Circus(Cirque) by the edition(publishing) of a card(map) of art on Reverdy Circus.In December, 2003, Christmas market in Paris. Exhibition(Exposure) to the Casino of Atlantes in Sands in 2004. First prize of watercolor in the Competition(Help) sanded " Indigo Quay(Platform) " in May, 2004.Creation and edition(publishing) of a poster for Vendée Globe 2004-2005, approved by the SAEM Vendée. Writing(Editorial staff) and illustration of the newspaper of the CCI Vendée " The Vendée company ".Exhibition(Exposure) on the craft(home-made) markets (season 2007).Enjoyment(Approval) by the SAEM and the General Council for the edition(publishing) of a stamped poster Vendée Globe 2008-2009. In September, 2008, launch of an itinerant exhibition(exposure) on the theme of Vendée Globe and of its history(story). Creation of a watercolor to illustrate the poster of the 12th edition(publishing) of Transgascogne with Port(Bearing) Bourgenay (85440 ).Creation of a work " Departure of Vendée-St Petersbourg " offered by the General Council of Vendée for the discount(delivery) of the Legion of Honour to Marietta Trichet, councillor of St-Gilles-Croix-de-Vie.

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