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jean Pierre BEAUMATIN
Artiste Sculptor
jean Pierre BEAUMATIN

Jean Pierre BEAUMATIN spent most of his professional career as director of health and medico-social establishments. For several years now, his professional life has been erased in favor of a new artistic genre whose seeds have been planted in the past. adolescence, with obtaining a metalworker diploma, had remained in stasis.

His statues are all artisanal, made with simple tools; hammers, grinders, post soldering, plasma...

He developed his own method for sculpting iron which allows him to create unique shapes, effects and textures.

Some extracts from the guestbook of its exhibitions:

“wonderful poetry” “Art in the service of our earth” “Sculptures that talk” “So much heart, so much soul in these works” « œmagnificent works » “wonderful creations, full of sensitivity’ and harmony » “The exhibition has made my heart sing”” “a strong message that filled me with emotions”” « the know-how of the craftsman allowed us to the artist to free his imagination in the service of the earth» “a feeling of lightness” despite the weight of the material » “Congratulations for your metallic delicacy”

Artistic approach

The work carried out by the artist testifies to a concern for the future of Humanity. and the Planet. Will the so-called intelligence of man end up destroying him...?

It offers a reflection on the complexity of of the human being, on the issues that concern him today and this is reflected in the forms and themes of his works.

Metal sculptures symbolize strength and resistance, while being malleable and shapeable. The metal is worked so as to represent, often in an allegorical manner, the different facets of the human being, from its admirable qualities to its own. its most destructive faults.

His works sometimes represent images of desolation caused by the apocalypse, but sometimes also, in a different way. the opposite is resistance and rebellion against these same forces expressed by beauty. and the message they transmit.

In the end, he “celebrates life” .

The artist has no events planned at the moment. I add an event
The artist has not yet entered his path.

The artistic work of jean Pierre BEAUMATIN

Newly added works

The butterflies

What World?