Discover the contemporary work of KABUKI

Laurent de CORTE (aka KABUKI, aka KATIA)(the following text was translated since the page into French, by a software. So certain words can be badly translated. Thank you) Laurent de CORTE (aka KABUKI, aka KATIA) was born in January 1955 in PARIS. He is the second child of a modest hearth of condition but nourishes of all arts.In spite of the handicap of a heavy dyslexia detected too late, all its teachers and professors, agree to predict to this child who is obviously gifted only for the drawing, an obvious artistic career. Already it paints and controls the mysteries of photography to satisfy its passion of animation. Thus it will carry out its first drawing animated as of the twelve years age... Artist in the heart and technician by need, this young person, to which the studies do not smile, but that all sciences interest, enters by exception, on presentation of a file, an artistic school of reputation. With the three years length of its course, it offers to him to perfect its gifts and to discipline its creativity.With leaving, here artistic director junior, in one, then two great agencies of the Parisian west. In margin of this promising career in publicity, the many regional exposures in which it takes part then, are not as well as possible, for this creator burning of the absolute ideals, which the discharge system of a spirit too bubbling to be some never satisfied.In 1981, the creation of its own company of creation retains it a few times, but resolutely independent, it decides in 1987, to devote itself completely to its art... It will be its crossing of the desert... And it is only strong support unconditional of its woman, Katia, that it meets the same year, (and to which it pays homage with one of its signatures) which it affirms an original vision artistic, in a spiritualistic search often obscure, but faithful to the idea that it is done of an artistic expression that it would like, of its clean consents: "what should be, today, a sacred art".In December 2000 - January 2001, finally, with the century incipient, sure from its fact, KABUKI, reveals at a public confidential, but chosen, his years of research and work of workshop...With this precedent he becomes leader of a new pictorial approach which he names pix-peinture or pix-Paint, according to the continent.It is since then, the renewed interest for the exposures one line and the recent reinforcement of all the artists who, like, knew to him to seize what will make the evolution of the painting of our century, that the passion for the painting of KABUKI PARIS, receives a legitimate recognition, with the rediscovery of a rich work of an astonishing diversity and an important bottom of workshop.Today, secured by a collection of almost two hundred and fifty works, under the signatures of KABUKI and KATIA, Laurent de CORTE, which is with the ridge of its art, does not let any more approach its work, which by way of setting on line.The artist awaits the providential meeting of the impassioned commecial, which will be able to promote and diffuse intelligently its work.> DO NOT HESITATE TO THANK KABUKI, OF THE SATISFACTION OF YOUR VISIT, BY ADDRESSING A COMPLIMENT TO HIM OVER ITS GOLD BOOK OF VISITORS.
The artistic work of KABUKI
Newly added works
TOILES - petites dimensions-

TOILES - moyennes dimensions -

TOILES - Collectivité et collectionneurs -

TIRAGES D'ART QUALITÉ GALERIE - formats normalisés 40x50 et 50X70 cm -

Lithographies numérotés sur vélin pleine feuille - Lithographies on beautiful velin (100x70 cm)

Tirages d'art qualité galerie - Art prints gallery quality ( Scop 16/9 ème 60x90 cm )

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