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Karim Rhrich
Noyal-Châtillon-sur-Seiche / France
Artiste Painter
Karim Rhrich

Karim Rhrich has always been captivated by colors, from a very young age. Born in a small town in the Middle Atlas, nicknamed "Garden of Morocco" by the writer Colette, he grew up surrounded by lush vegetation and bright flowers. This visual richness deeply influenced his imagination and his passion for color.

From childhood, the rainbow and colored pencils became sources of happiness and wonder. His abstract drawings, perceived as strange by his classmates, already reflected his unique connection with colors and emotions. His local environment, with its displays of colorful spices, Amazigh carpets and varied fabrics, nourishes his inspiration.

The interest in painting really comes to fruition when Karim finds himself with painting materials ready to use following a setback with a painter friend. This moment becomes a turning point: he begins to experiment with painting on his own, discovering a new form of expression.

For Karim, each painting is much more than a simple visual composition; it is a metaphor for the migration of the soul. Through his works, he explores inner transformations and spiritual journeys, representing the soul's incessant quest to reinvent itself and free itself from material constraints. Art becomes for him a universal language, translating the deep nuances of life and the inner migrations that each individual goes through.

His creative space is the place where he continues to produce his works. Each painting is an exploration of emotions and colors, often integrating motifs and influences from his Amazigh cultural heritage. Karim Rhrich remains convinced that, like colors, the human soul is in perpetual movement, always seeking to transcend its limits and discover new dimensions of its existence.

Always optimistic, Karim pursues his artistic journey with passion, in a constant quest for the truths hidden in the nuances of life and the migrations of the soul.


Artistic approach

Painter of Moroccan origin, residing in France, whose artistic career spans nine years of a relentless quest for truth and meaning.

Through his collection "Migration", the artist invites us on an inner journey, exploring the depths of the human soul. Initiated Through questions about the origin and destiny of the soul, his work unfolds at the crossroads of science, philosophy and spirituality.

Each canvas is the fruit of meticulous research, of introspection that transcends the boundaries of materialism. The artist invites us to reflect on our own essence, on this inner seed that we cultivate through our thirst for knowledge, our personal development and our empathy towards others.

Through daring techniques, the artist brings his visions to life, using acrylics on recycled fabrics. This artistic approach, purifying and committed, symbolizes the migration of matter, offering a second life to these textiles, just as our soul seeks to elevate and reinvent itself.

Each work in the "Migration" collection is an invitation to reflection, an ode to the beauty of the human soul and its infinite potential for transformation.

The artist has exhibited in various cultural events in France and Casablanca, Morocco, as well as at the International Contemporary Art Fair in Monaco, where His work was warmly received and appreciated.

Dates clés
ART3F Monaco
VAN GOGH Art Gallery Madrid (Espagne)
Artist residency Hôtel Pasteur Rennes (France)
Exhibition the colors of the soul, Audi Showroom Rennes (France)
MIGRATION Exhibition, La P’tite Galerie Châteaugiron (France)
MIGRATION Exhibition Le Couloir Gallery Rennes (France)
MIGRATION OF THE SOUL Exhibition Living 4 Art Gallery Casablanca (Morocco)

The artistic work of Karim Rhrich

Newly added works

The Migration of the Soul